This is the Digital Humanities bibliography of
Paolo Monella
as of 13/10/2024. You can download
the whole archive
or each entry in BibTeX format.
An older version of the archive is shared in
my Zotero library
(but I prefer sharing stuff whose source code I can control).
Entries are sorted by author/editor family name (if any).
You can filter the list by typing a string in the field below
(e.g. an author's name, or a keyword from the
Keywords table).
Keywords key
Comparison between the graph approach to represent textual variants in a tradition, vs the traditional apparatus
For my talk "In the Tower of Babel: modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions", London 2012 (layers of transcription for primary sources such as manuscripts; also see keywords 'Layers' and 'Graphematics')
For the 2012 Interedition bootcamp on digital philology
Philologists who question (or simply reflect on) the 'classical' epistemology of scholarly editing
Automatic witness collation in digital scholarly editions
For my talk "Edizioni critiche digitali, {XML} e letterature classiche", May 2006
CTS (Canonical Text Services), CITE architecture and DTS (Distributed Text Services)
Re-thinking the DH critically; socio-political aspects of the ICT and the DH
On the DVE project
Digital Classics
Distant reading
Editors for source code, especially for classical philology
How to evaluate academic products in the DH
FAIR principles
On digital scholarly editions of fragmentary texts (mostly classical)
Cultural criticism of big tech corporations such as GAFAM (Google, Apple, Facebook/Meta, Amazon, Microsoft)
Genetic editions
Graphematics (modelling writing systems)
Handwritten Text Recognition (OCR for manuscripts), inclusa l'applicazione della AI a questo
IIIF protocol for online images
The bibliographic data of this entry are incomplete
General introduction to the DH
General introduction to (New) Media Studies
Introductory books to other aspects (not DH), e.g. LOD, linguistics, semiotics etc.
Digital jurisprudence
Linked Open Data
Layers of transcription for primary sources such as manuscripts (also see keyword 'Babel')
On systems to type 'markdown-like' simplified markup that gets translated into TEI XML code (different from XMLAlternatives)
On the general issue of modelling in the Digital Humanities
Massive online open courses
Multi Version Documents: technology by Desmond Schmidt to encode textual variants
New Philology, or on digital scholarly editions transcending the Lachmannian method vs. New Philology dichotomy
Object Oriented Programming
A reading list by Tito Orlandi (2012): foundational books for the DH
Phylogenetic approach in digital philology
For a new edition of the Ars by Priscianus Caesariensis
On automatic intertextuality detection
Long term durability of DH products (editions etc.)
Digital teaching tools and methods, especially for Classics
How to teach the DH
The use of Wikipedia (and Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikiversity) for teaching
For my article "Forme del testo digitale" (2017): XML hierarchy imposed over texts, Unicode's alphabetic bias for non-alphabetic writing systems, CTS
Textual linguistics
Bibliography used in an article that I submitted to journal Umanistica Digitale for publication in 2021
On the project to create a public platform, named UNIRE, for digital and distance learning in Italy
For my digital scholarly edition of the "De Nomine" by Ursus Beneventanus
For my planned digital scholarly edition of the "Iudicium coci et pistoris" by Vespa (Anth. Lat. 199 Riese)
On the institutional aspects of the DH: centers, chairs, conferences, projects, or on the disciplinary definition of DH
For my article "Why are there no comprehensively digital scholarly editions of classical texts?" (2018)
On markup formats alternative to XML such as LMNL, TexMECS, FTANML, TAGML (this is different from the TEIMarkdown: TEIMarkdown essays describe languages that are converted to TEI XML)
Musisque deoque. un archivio digitale di poesia latina, dalle origini al rinascimento italiano.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
The menota handbook: guidelines for the electronic encoding of medieval nordic primary sources - version 2.0.
[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Tei P5: guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange version 3.6.0.
[Keywords: Babel]
The menota handbook: guidelines for the electronic encoding of medieval nordic primary sources - version 3.0.
[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Fare Open Access: La libera diffusione del sapere scientifico nell’era digitale.
CopyLeft Italia.
Ledizioni, 2019.
ISBN 9788855260282.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Stefano Allegrezza and Nicola Raffaele di Matteo.
L’edizione digitale del “nuovo liruti”: il dizionario biografico dei friulani.
In AIUCD 2017 CONFERENCE, 99. 2017.
J. R. Allen.
The development of computers courses for humanities.
Computers and the Humanities, 8(3):291–295, 1974.
[Keywords: CultCrit, TeachingDH, Where]
Bridget Almas and Monica Berti.
Perseids collaborative platform for annotating text re-uses of fragmentary authors.
In DH-Case 2013. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Collaborative Annotations in Shared Environment: metadata, vocabularies and techniques in the Digital Humanities. Florence, September 10, 2013, 1–4. ACM Digital Library, 2013.
[Keywords: Fragments]
Giovanna Alvoni.
Scienze dell'antichità per via informatica. Banche dati, internet e risorse elettroniche nello studio dell'antichità classica.
Clueb, 2002.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Christoph Anderl and Marcus Bingenheimer.
Introduction to the first BETA-version publication of the database of medieval chinese texts (DMCT).
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Tara L Andrews.
The third way.
The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 10:61–76, 2013.
[Keywords: Collation, NewPhilology, Phylogenetics, Why]
Tara L. Andrews and Caroline Macé.
Beyond the tree of texts: building an empirical model of scribal variation through graph analysis of texts and stemmata.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28/4:504–521, 2013.
[Keywords: Phylogenetics]
Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Texts and Manuscripts: Digital Approaches.
Volume 1 of Lectio. Studies in the Transmission of Texts and Ideas.
Brepols, 2014.
ISBN 978-2-503-55268-2.
[Keywords: NewPhilology, Reuse]
Julie André and Elena Pierazzo.
Le codage en tei des brouillons de proust: vers l’édition numérique.
Genesis. Manuscrits–Recherche–Invention, pages 155–161, 2013.
[Keywords: Genetic]
J. André.
4. proust's writing: first drafts of a digital representation.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 53–62. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
Daniel Apollon and Claire Belisle.
3. the digital fate of the critical apparatus.
In Digital Critical Editions, Topics in the Digital Humanities, pages 81–113.
University of Illinois Press, 2014.
Digital Critical Editions.
Topics in the Digital Humanities.
University of Illinois Press, 2014.
ISBN 9780252096280.
[Keywords: IntroDH, NewPhilology]
Advancing Digital Humanities: Research, Methods, Theories.
Palgrave Macmillan UK, London, 2014.
ISBN 978-1-137-33701-6.
Yury Arzhanov and Grigory Kessel.
Coding and encoding: towards a new approach to the study of syriac and arabic translations of greek scientific and philosophical texts (ERC project HUNAYNNET).
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 4:205–214, 2018.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Yannis Assael, Thea Sommerschield, Brendan Shillingford, Mahyar Bordbar, John Pavlopoulos, Marita Chatzipanagiotou, Ion Androutsopoulos, Jonathan Prag, and Nando de Freitas.
Restoring and attributing ancient texts using deep neural networks.
Nature, 603(7900):280–283, 2022.
[Keywords: HTR]
D'A. S. Avalle.
L'immagine della trasmissione manoscritta nella critica testuale.
In La doppia verità. Fenomenologia ecdotica e lingua letteraria del Medioevo romanzo, Archivio romanzo, pages 3–14.
Sismel, 2002.
d’Arco Silvio Avalle.
I canzonieri: definizione di genere e problemi di edizione.
In La critica del testo: problemi di metodo ed esperienze di lavoro. Atti del Convegno di Lecce, 22–26 ottobre 1984, volume 1 of Biblioteca di Filologia e critica, 363–382. Salerno, 1985.
[Keywords: TestoESenso]
Almas B. and M. Berti.
The linked fragment: tei and the encoding of text re-uses of lost authors.
In The Linked TEI: Text Encoding in the Web. TEI Conference and Members Meeting 2013, October 2-5, Rome (Italy), 12–16. DIGILAB Sapienza University and TEI Consortium, 2013.
[Keywords: CTS, Fragments]
Undrah B. Baasanjav.
Linguistic diversity on the internet: arabic, chinese and cyrillic script top-level domain names.
Telecommunications Policy, 38(11):961–969, 2014.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Alison Babeu.
"Rome Wasn't Digitized in a Day": Building a Cyberinfrastructure for Digital Classics.
Council on Library and Information Resources, 2011.
[Keywords: Why, Babel, DigiClass, Where]
Roger S. Bagnall and Sebastian Heath.
Roman studies and digital resources.
Journal of Roman Studies, 108:1–19, 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Nico Balbach, Christian Reul, and Frank Puppe.
Typisierte varianz-analyse von texten.
In DHh2020 Spielräume. Digital Humanities zwischen Modellierung und Interpretation. 2020.
[Keywords: Collation]
Andrea Balbo.
Insegnare latino. Sentieri di ricerca per una didattica ragionevole.
UTET Università, 2007.
ISBN 9788860081315.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Fra tradizione e innovazione: possibili strade per la didattica della lingua e della letteratura latina nel liceo classico.
In Un futuro dal cuore antico. Buone pratiche nella didattica delle lingue classiche, 97–131. Osanna, 2009.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Alcune possibilità per la didattica multimediale del latino: i siti web, le video presentazioni, le eventuali risorse di you tube.
In E-latin...o? Sì, no, forse... Un viaggio tra gli strumenti e i percorsi della didattica multimediale e della formazione a distanza dedicati al latino, 44–51. Il Quaderno di latino 3 (Nuova Secondaria Ricerca n. 5), 01 2011.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Latino sul web: riflessioni sulla didattica multimediale della lingua e letteratura latina in vista della costruzione di un database valutativo.
In Atti Didamatica - Informatica per la didattica 2011, 97–131. Politecnico di Torino, 2011.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
La nuvola greca e latina: rete, cloud computing e antichità classica nel xxi secolo.
In L'Età di Internet. Umanità, cultura, educazione, Le Monnier Università, 53–68. Mondadori Education, 2013.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Proposing jig saw method to teach latin literary texts in small classes.
In Didactic strategies and technologies for education Incorporating Advancements, 753–762. 2013.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Possibilità, prospettive e limiti di una didattica multimediale del latino.
In Nuove tecnologie e didattica dell'italiano e delle materie umanistiche, 17–32. Vecchiarelli, 2016.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Materiali e metodi per una didattica multimediale del latino.
Volume 136 of Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino.
Pàtron, 1 edition, 2017.
ISBN 9788855533812.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Latino, didattica e COVID-19: riflessioni e proposte.
EL.LE, 10:73–93, 3 2021.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Materiali e metodi per una didattica multimediale del latino.
Volume 136 of Testi e manuali per l'insegnamento universitario del latino.
Pàtron, 2 edition, 2021.
ISBN 9788855535014.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo.
Scritture esposte digitali: per un uso didattico dell’epigrafia latina digitale nella letteratura latina.
Historikà. Studi di storia greca e romana, forthcoming.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrea Balbo, P. Grazioli, and I. Torzi.
Per la costruzione di un repertorio powerpoint di problemi morfosintattici per il latino.
Nuova Secondaria, 27(1):71–73, 2009.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Luigi Bambaci and Federico Boschetti.
Encoding the critical apparatus by domain specific languages: the case of the hebrew book of qohelet.
Unknown journal, pages 7–13, 2020.
URL:, doi:10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316.
[Keywords: TEIMarkdown]
David Bamman, Alison Babeu, and Gregory Crane.
Transferring structural markup across translations using multilingual alignment and projection.
In Proceedings of the Tenth ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Gold Coast, Australia, June 21-25, 11-20 (JCDL 2010), 11–20. Association for Computing Machinery, 2010.
[Keywords: DVE]
David Bamman and Gregory Crane.
Measuring historical word sense variation.
In Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital libraries (JCDL 2011). ACM Digital Library, 2011.
[Keywords: DVE]
David Bamman and David Smith.
Extracting two thousand years of latin from a million book library.
Forthcoming, 2012.
[Keywords: DVE, DigiClass]
Christian Banse.
Data sovereignty in the cloud - wishful thinking or reality?
In Proceedings of the 2021 on Cloud Computing Security Workshop, CCSW '21, 153–154. New York, NY, USA, 2021. Association for Computing Machinery.
URL:, doi:10.1145/3474123.3486792.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
Gioele Barabucci and Franz Fischer.
The formalization of textual criticism: bridging the gap between automated collation and edited critical texts.
In Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing. Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp. Sidestone Press, 2017.
[Keywords: Collation]
Gioele Barabucci, Elena Spadini, and Magdalena Turska.
Data vs. presentation. what is the core of a scholarly digital edition?
Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing, pages 37–46, 2017.
Nicola Barbuti.
La digitalizzazione dei beni documentali. Metodi, tecniche, buone prassi.
Editrice Bibliografica, 2022.
ISBN 978-8870759884.
[Keywords: IntroOther]
Nicola Barbuti, Giuliano De Felice, Annalisa Di Zanni, Paolo Russo, and Altheo Valentini.
Creating digital culture by co-creation of digital cultural heritage: the crowddreaming living lab method.
Umanistica Digitale, 9:19–34, 12 2020.
URL:, doi:10.6092/issn.2532-8816/9956.
[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Wolmet Barendregt, Christoph Becker, EunJeong Cheon, Andrew Clement, Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar, Douglas Schuler, and Lucy Suchman.
Defund big tech, refund community.
Tech Otherwise, 2021.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
R. Baroncelli and V. Marangi.
Teoria, tecniche e strumenti dell'informatica.
ETS, 2008.
ISBN 9788846721884.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Giovanna Battaglino.
Note minime sul TLG: brevi cenni sulle 'origini' del TLG e piccolo vademecum.
FRI - Filologia Risorse Informatiche, 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Giovanna Battaglino and Giovanna Battaglino.
GloDIUm - Glossario di Informatica Umanistica, 2019.
Giulio Battelli.
Lezioni di paleografia.
Scuola Vaticana di Paleografia, Diplomatica e Archivistica.
Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1949.
ISBN 9788820914868.
[Keywords: Graphematics, Ursus]
Syd Bauman.
Interchange vs. interoperability.
In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference 2011, volume 7 of Balisage Series on Markup Technologies. Balisage, 2011.
Zygmunt Bauman.
Liquid modernity.
Polity, 2000.
ISBN 074562409X.
Zygmunt Bauman.
Modernità liquida.
Laterza, 2002.
ISBN 88-420-6514-5.
H. Belhadef, A. Eutamene, and M. K. Kholladi.
A general description of a new character recognition process based on ontology.
In International Conference, ICDIPC 2011. Proceedings, Part II, volume 189 of CCIS Series. Springer LNCS, 2011.
[Keywords: Graphematics, LOD]
Hacene Belhadef, Mohamed Khireddine Kholladi, and Aicha Eutamene.
Ontology of graphemes for latin character recognition.
Procedia Engineering, 24:579–584, 2011.
[Keywords: Graphematics, LOD]
Pietro Beltrami.
Informatica e studi umanistici: qualche appunto linguistico e filologico.
Informatica: cultura e società. Atti del convegno (Roma, Biblioteca della Camera dei Deputati, 24 gennaio 2006), pages 65–74, 2006.
URL: nardida/attachments/beltrami.pdf.
Francesco Benozzo.
Etnofilologia: un’introduzione.
Linguistica e linguaggi.
Liguori, 2010.
ISBN 9788820750459.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Francesco Benozzo.
Dalla filologia tradizionale all’etnofilologia tradizionante.
In Canoni liquidi. Variazione culturale e stabilità testuale dalla Bibbia a Internet, pages 28–42.
ScriptaWeb, 2011.
[Keywords: CultCrit, Why]
Andrea L. Berez-Kroeker, Bradley McDonnell, Eve Koller, and Lauren B. Collister.
The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management.
The MIT Press, 2022.
ISBN 9780262366076.
[Keywords: FAIR, IntroOther, Sustainability]
Mauro Bergonzi.
Implicazioni filosofiche della fisica quantistica e pensiero non-dualista orientale.
In La coscienza. Un dialogo interdisciplinare e interculturale, New Humanities, 23. Istituto italiano di Studi Germanici, 2018.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
L. Berkowitz and K. A. Squittier.
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. Canon of Greek Authors and Works.
Oxford University Press, 3 edition, 1990.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Marina Bernasconi Reusser.
E-codices: traguardi raggiunti e obiettivi futuri.
In Manuscript digitization and on line accessibility. What's going on? International workshop, Roma 23 ottobre 2014. 2015.
Monica Berti.
Citazioni e dinamiche testuali. l’intertestualità e la storiografia greca frammentaria.
In Tradizione e Trasmissione degli Storici Greci Frammentari II. Atti del Terzo Workshop Internazionale. Roma, 24–26 febbraio 2011, 439–458. 2012.
[Keywords: Fragments]
Monica Berti.
Collecting quotations by topic. degrees of preservation and transtextual relations among genres.
Ancient Society, 43:269–288, 2013.
[Keywords: Fragments]
Monica Berti.
The digital fragmenta historicorum graecorum and the ancient greek-latin dynamic lexicon.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Corpus-Based Research in the Humanities (CRH). Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Science, 2015.
[Keywords: DigiClass, Fragments]
Monica Berti.
Modelling taxonomies of text reuse in the deipnosophists of athenaeus of naucratis: declarative digital scholarship.
In Digital Humanities 2016 Conference Abstracts, 135–137. Jagiellonian University and Pedagogical University, 2016.
[Keywords: CTS, Fragments]
Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution.
Volume 10 of Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft.
De Gruyter Saur, 2019.
ISBN 978-3-11-059957-2.
URL:, doi:10.1515/9783110599572.
[Keywords: DigiClass, NewPhilology, Why]
Monica Berti.
Historical fragmentary texts in the digital age.
In Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution, volume 10 of Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft. De Gruyter Saur, 2019.
URL:, doi:10.1515/9783110599572-015.
[Keywords: DigiClass, Fragments]
Monica Berti.
Named entity annotation for ancient greek with INCEpTION.
In CLARIN Annual Conference 2019. 2019.
[Keywords: DigiClass, LOD]
Monica Berti.
Per un catalogo annotato della letteratura greca antica.
In AIUCD 2021 - DH per la società: e-guaglianza, par-tecipazione, diritti e valori nell’era digitale. Raccolta degli abstract estesi della 10a conferenza nazionale. AIUCD, 2021.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Monica Berti.
Digital catalogs of ancient authors and works through papyrological data.
In Digital Papyrology 3.0. Digital Encoding and Critical Edition of Greek Papyri: Perspectives and Progress. Università degli Studi di Parma, Università degli Studi di Parma, 2022.
[Keywords: LOD]
Monica Berti, Bridget Almas, David Dubin, Greta Franzini, Simona Stoyanova, and Gregory R. Crane.
The linked fragment: tei and the encoding of text reuses of lost authors.
Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, 2014.
[Keywords: Fragments]
Monica Berti, Christopher Blackwell, Mary Daniels, Samantha Strickland, and Kimbell Vincent-Dobbins.
Documenting homeric text-reuse in the deipnosophistae of athenaeus of naucratis.
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 59(2):121–139, 2016.
URL:, doi:10.1111/j.2041-5370.2016.12042.x.
[Keywords: CTS]
Monica Berti, Matteo Romanello, Alison Babeu, and Gregory Crane.
Collecting fragmentary authors in a digital library.
In Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL ’09). Austin, TX, 259–262. ACM Digital Library, 2009.
[Keywords: Fragments, Why]
Susanna Bertone, Giovanni Grandi, Alessandro Bettoni, and Francesco Cavalli.
Verso il trattamento automatico della tradizione manoscritta del liber di catullo.
Umanistica Digitale, 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Solomon Gebreyes Beyene and Pietro Maria Liuzzo.
Encoding and annotation of ancient places in ethiopia.
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin, 4(1):121–141, 2018.
[Keywords: Graphematics, LOD]
Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper.
Natural Language Processing with Python — Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit.
O'Reilly Media, 2009.
[Keywords: Programming]
David J. Birnbaum.
Standardizing characters, glyphs, and sgml entities for encoding early cyrillic writing.
Computer Standards & Interfaces, 18:201–252, 1996.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
David J. Birnbaum.
The future of the tei wsd.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
David J. Birnbaum, Mavis Cournane, and Peter Flynn.
Using the tei writing system declaration (wsd).
Computers and the humanities, 33/1–2:49–57, 1999.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Kendall Bitner and Kyle Dase.
A macron signifying nothing: revisiting the canterbury tales project transcription guidelines.
Digital Medievalist, 2021.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Yuri Bizzoni, Federico Boschetti, Harry Diakoff, Riccardo Del Gratta, Monica Monachini, and Gregory R. Crane.
The making of ancient greek wordnet.
In LREC 2014, Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, volume 2014, 1140–1147. 2014.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Elli Bleeker, Bram Buitendijk, R Haentjens Dekker, and Astrid Kulsdom.
Including xml markup in the automated collation of literary text.
In XML Prague 2018 Conference Proceedings. Prague, 2018. University of Economics, Prague.
[Keywords: Collation]
Rens Bod.
Modelling in the humanities: linking patterns to principles.
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement, pages 78–95, 2018.
[Keywords: Modelling]
Gabriel Bodard, Hugh Cayless, Mark Depauw, Leif Isaksen, Faith Lawrence, and Sebastian Rahtz.
Standards for networking ancient person data: digital approaches to problems in prosopographical space.
Digital Classics Online, 3:28–43, 2017.
[Keywords: LOD]
Gabriel Bodard and Juan Garcés.
Open source critical editions: a rationale.
In Text Editing, Print, and the Digital World, Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities, pages 83–98.
Ashgate, 2009.
[Keywords: Babel, DigiClass, Layers, Why]
Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity.
Ashgate, 2010.
ISBN 9780754677734.
[Keywords: Why, DigiClass]
Gabriel Bodard and Matteo Romanello.
Digital Classics Outside the Echo-Chamber: Teaching, Knowledge Exchange & Public Engagement.
Ubiquity Press, 2016.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Anne Bohnenkamp, Gerrit Brüning, Silke Henke, Katrin Henzel, Fotis Jannidis, Gregor Middel, Dietmar Pravida, and Moritz Wissenbach.
Perspektiven auf goethes 'faust'. werkstattbericht der historisch-kritischen hybridedition.
In Jahrbuch des Freien Deutschen Hochstifts 2011, 23–67. Wallstein Verlag, 2012.
[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers, Ursus, Vespa, Why]
Anne Bohnenkamp-Renken, Silke Henke, and Fotis Jannidis.
Die digitale faust-edition.
Website, 2016.
URL: http:/
[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Jay David Bolter and Richard A. Grusin.
Remediation: understanding new media.
MIT Press, 2000.
ISBN 9780262522793.
[Keywords: IntroMedia]
Nina Bonderup Dohn.
Models, modelling, metaphors and metaphorical thinking – from an educational philosophical view.
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement, pages 46–58, 2018.
[Keywords: Modelling]
Ilaria Bonincontro.
Edizioni critiche in formato elettronico.
In La macchina nel tempo: Studi di informatica umanistica in onore di Tito Orlandi.
Le Lettere, 2011.
[Keywords: Why, Babel]
La struttura logica del linguaggio.
Valentino Bompiani, 1973.
[Keywords: IntroOther]
C. Bonsi, E. Del Re, P. Italia, and M. Ortolani.
13. "manuscript & new technologies". thesma project - terahertz & spectrometry manuscript analysis.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 153–160. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
C. Bonsi, A. Di Iorio, and F. Vitali.
6. varianti e versioning: il caso dei promessi sposi.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 75–84. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson, and James Rumbaugh.
The Unified Modeling Language user guide.
Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series.
Addison-Wesley, 2017.
ISBN 9780321267979.
[Keywords: LOD]
P. Boot.
Mesotext. framing and exploring annotations.
In Learned Love. Proceedings of the Emblem Project Utrecht Conference on Dutch Love Emblems and the Internet (November 2006), DANS Symposium Publications 2, pages 211–225.
Dans, 2007.
[Keywords: Why]
Peter Boot and Marijn Koolen.
Connecting tei content into an ontology of the editorial domain.
In Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, volume 15 of Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 9–29. Books on Demand, 2021.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, CultCrit, DigiClass, NewPhilology, Vespa, Why]
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, CultCrit, Why]
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[Keywords: ConfCatt2006, DigiClass]
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[Keywords: ConfCatt2006]
Gregory Crane, Alison Jones, David Bamman, Lisa Cerrato, David Mimno, David Packel, David Sculley, and Gabriel Weaver.
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[Keywords: Why]
Gregory Crane and Jeffrey A Rydberg-Cox.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Elisa Cugliana and Gioele Barabucci.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
James Cummings.
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In A companion to digital literary studies, Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, pages 451–476.
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Fabio Cusimano.
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Volume 19 of Minima Bibliographica.
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Edoardo D'Angelo and Paolo Monella.
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In La Filologia Medievale. Comparatistica, critica del testo e attualità. Atti del Convegno (Viterbo, 26-28 settembre 2018), volume 3 of Filologia Classica e Medievale. L'Erma Di Bretschneider, 2019.
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Roberto M. Danese, Andrea Bacianini, and Alessio Torino.
Weni Widi Wici. Tra 'Volumen' e byte. Per una didattica sostenibile della cultura latina. Una guida a più di 50 siti (seri, divertenti, kitsch) che ospitano il latino in Internet.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Kyle Dase and Nicole Atkings.
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Paul A. David.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Marilyn Deegan.
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[Keywords: Sustainability]
Marilyn Deegan and Simon Tanner.
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[Keywords: Sustainability]
A. M. Del Grosso, D. Albanesi, E. Giovannetti, and S. Marchi.
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[Keywords: OOP]
Angelo Mario Del Grosso.
Creazione e analisi dei testi digitali.
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[Keywords: IntroDH]
Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Emiliano Giovanetti, and Simone Marchi.
The importance of being… object-oriented: old means for new perspectives.
In Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing. Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp. Sidestone Press, 2017.
[Keywords: OOP]
Fabrizio Della Seta.
In Musicologia come pretesto. Scritti in memoria di Emilia Zanetti, 137–146. Istituto Italiano di Storia della Musica, 2010.
Roberto Delle Donne.
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Charalambos Dendrinos and Philip Taylor.
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S. J. DeRose, D. G. Durand, E. Mylonas, and Renear A. H.
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[Keywords: Babel, TestoESenso]
J. Derrida, G. Dalmasso, and S. Facioni.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Jacques Derrida.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, Graphematics]
F. Di Filippo, L. Milano, M. Maiocchi, and R. Orsini.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Matthew J. Driscoll.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers, Why]
Matthew J. Driscoll.
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[Keywords: Why, NewPhilology]
Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
António Emiliano.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Aicha Eutamene, Hacene Belhadef, and MK Kholladi.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, LOD]
Aicha Eutamene, Mohamed Khireddine Kholladi, and Hacene Belhadef.
Architecture of a character recognition system based on ontology.
International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications, 2013.
[Keywords: Graphematics, LOD]
Serena Falletta.
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Serena Falletta.
Linguaggi di marcatura nel trattamento informatico delle fonti storiche: l’edizione digitale del codice
In Digital Diplomatics. The Computer As A Tool For The Diplomatist?, 61–74. Böhlau Verlag, 2014.
Serena Falletta.
Dalla carta al bit. note metodologiche sull’edizione digitale di un cartulario medievale.
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Edoardo Ferrarini.
La trascrizione dei testimoni manoscritti: metodi di filologia computazionale.
In Digital Philology and Medieval Texts, volume 4 of Arti spazi scritture, 103–120. Pacini, 2007.
Edoardo Ferrarini and Eugenio Staltari.
Scrittura ed immagini: un’ipotesi di restauro virtuale.
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Daniel Ferrer.
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[Keywords: Genetic, Why]
Paolo Ferri.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Timothy J. Finney.
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[Keywords: Babel]
Giuseppe Fiorentino and Enrica Salvatori.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH, TeachingWiki, UD2021]
Paolo Fioretti.
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In Libri di scuola e pratiche didattiche. Dall'antichità al Rinascimento, Atti del Convegno Internazionale organizzato dall’Università degli Studi di Cassino (Cassino 7-10 maggio 2008), volume 2 of Studi archeologici, artistici, filologici, filosofici, letterari e storici, 293–328. Edizioni Università di Cassino, 2010.
[Keywords: Ursus]
Domenico Fiormonte.
Towards a cultural critique of the digital humanities.
In Controversies around the Digital Humanities, volume 37, 59–76. Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, 2012.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM, TestoESenso, Where, Babel]
Domenico Fiormonte.
Digital humanities from a global perspective.
Laboratorio dell’ISPF, 2014.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Domenico Fiormonte.
Introduzione edizione digitale. dalla filologia al web 2.0.
In Seminario presso l'Università di Verona. Università di Verona, 2014.
Domenico Fiormonte.
7. da "digital variants" a "ecdosis". filologia digitale vingt ans après.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 85–92. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
Domenico Fiormonte.
Per una critica del testo digitale.
Bulzoni, 2018.
Domenico Fiormonte.
Scrittura e filologia nell'era digitale.
Nuova didattica: Arte e letteratura.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH, Why]
Domenico Fiormonte.
Lingue, codici, rappresentanza. margini delle digital humanities.
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[Keywords: CultCrit]
Informatica umanistica: dalla ricerca all'insegnamento: atti convegni Computer, Literature and Philology, Roma 1999–Alicante 2000, Bulzoni, 2003.
[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Domenico Fiormonte and Cinzia Pusceddu.
The text as product and process. history, genesis, experiments.
In Manuscript, Variant, Genese/Genesis, 109–128. Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal-en Letterkunde, 2006.
[Keywords: CultCrit, Why]
Domenico Fiormonte, Desmond Schmidt, Paolo Monella, and Paolo Sordi.
The politics of code. How digital representations and languages shape culture.
In International Society for Information Studies Summit Vienna 2015 - The Information Society at the Crossroads. International Society for Information Studies, June 2015.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM, Graphematics]
Domenico Fiormonte and Paolo Sordi.
Proposta per una collana di digital humanities.
[Keywords: CultCrit, Where]
Domenico Fiormonte and Paolo Sordi.
Conclusioni. Testo-Politica-Computer: il trittico rivoluzionario di raul mordenti.
In Letteratura e altre rivoluzioni. Scritti per Raul Mordenti, 264–297. Bordeaux, 2020.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM, UD2021]
Domenico Fiormonte and Paolo Sordi.
Letteratura e altre rivoluzioni. Scritti per Raul Mordenti.
Bordeaux, 2020.
ISBN 9788832103793.
Franz Fischer.
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In Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution, volume 10 of Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft, pages 203–219.
De Gruyter Saur, 2019.
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[Keywords: Collation, DigiClass, NewPhilology, Why]
Franz Fischer.
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In Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches, De Gruyter Handbook, pages 405–427.
DeGruyter, 2020.
[Keywords: IntroOther, Phylogenetics]
Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter 2 - Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age 2.
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Books on Demand (BoD), 2010.
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[Keywords: Babel]
Moira Fiscus.
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[Keywords: Sustainability]
Paul A. Fishwick.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Julia Flanders and John Unsworth.
The evolution of humanities computing centers.
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[Keywords: TestoESenso, Where]
Enrico Flores.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, Why]
Amanda Foster-Kaufman.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Giorgio Fotia.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
M. Foucault.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, Why]
Michel Foucault.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, Why]
Hermann Fränkel.
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[Keywords: Why]
Hermann Fränkel.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, Why]
Crystal Fulton.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Daniele Fusi.
Informatica per le scienze umane.
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ISBN 9788861347670.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Daniele Fusi.
Tecnologie informatiche per l'umanista digitale.
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[Keywords: IntroDH]
Daniele Fusi.
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[Keywords: Sustainability]
Daniele Fusi.
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Athenaeum Edizioni Universitarie, 2022.
ISBN 978-88-32158-49-6.
Hans Walter Gabler.
Theorizing the digital scholarly edition.
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[Keywords: Genetic, Why]
Hans Walter Gabler.
Thoughts on scholarly editing. (review of: paul eggert, securing the past. conservation in art, architecture and literature, cambridge: cambridge university press 2009).
Journal of Literary Theory, Unknown year.
Amanda Gailey and Andrew Jewell.
Introduction to the first issue of scholarly editing: the annual of the association for documentary editing.
Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing, 2012.
Daniele Gambarara and Maria Pia Marchese.
Guida per un'edizione digitale dei manoscritti di Ferdinand de Saussure: progetto di ricerca PRIN 2008.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Nils Geißler and Michela Tardella.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Ignace J. Gelb.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
G. Genette.
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Tessa Gengnagel.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
C. Genovesi, A. Isolani, C. Lo Rito, D. Marotta, M. Matteoli, and C. Tozzini.
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[Keywords: Collation, MVD, XMLAlternatives]
Elena Giglia.
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[Keywords: CultCrit]
Elena Giglia.
La comunicazione scientifica nell’era digitale.
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[Keywords: CultCrit]
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[Keywords: 2006]
G. Gigliozzi and F. Ciotti.
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[Keywords: IntroDH]
Giuseppe Gigliozzi, Domenico Fiormonte, Domenico Fiormonte, Giulia Buccini, Domenico Fiormonte, and Giulia Buccini.
L'informatica, la didattica e il grillo parlante.
In Informatica umanistica: dalla ricerca all'insegnamento: atti convegni Computer, Literature and Philology, Roma 1999–Alicante 2000, 11–18. Bulzoni, 2003.
[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Alexander Gil, Roopika Risam, Stan Golanka, Nina Rosenblatt, David Thomas, Matt Applegate, James Cohen, Eric Rettberg, and Schuyler Esprit.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Jim Giles.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Francesca Giovannetti.
Combining TEI and semantic web technologies to annotate and explore the notebook of paolo bufalini (1915 -2001).
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[Keywords: IncompleteBibData, LOD]
Francesca Giovannetti.
The critical apparatus ontology.
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[Keywords: LOD]
M. Giuffrida, Paola Italia, and G. Pinotti.
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Giovanni Gobber and Moreno Morani.
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[Keywords: TextLing]
Lisa Goddard and Dean Seeman.
Negotiating sustainability. Building digital humanities projects that last.
Routledge, 1 edition, 2019.
[Keywords: Sustainability]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH, Where]
M.K. Gold.
The digital humanities moment.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, TestoESenso, Where]
Charles F. Goldfarb.
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[Keywords: Babel, OrList]
Harriett E. Green.
Facilitating communities of practice in digital humanities: librarian collaborations for research and training in text encoding.
The Library Quarterly, 84(2):219–234, 04 2014.
[Keywords: Where]
Shane Greenstein and Feng Zhu.
Do experts or crowd-based models produce more bias? evidence from encyclopædia britannica and wikipedia.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Katherine M. Grillo and Daniel A. Contreras.
Public archaeology's mammoth in the room: engaging wikipedia as a tool for teaching and outreach.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Sven Gronemeyer.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Elisa Guadagnini and Giulio Vaccaro.
Il passato è una lingua straniera: il ‘dizionario dei volgarizzamenti’ tra filologia, linguistica e digital humanities.
Bollettino dell’Opera del Vocabolario Italiano, 21:279–394, 2016.
Marco Guastavigna.
Competenze collettive (politico-culturali) di cittadinanza digitale.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
Günther Görz.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
R. Harris.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, TestoESenso]
Tal Hassner, Malte Rehbein, Peter A. Stokes, and Lior Wolf.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, HTR]
Odd Einar Haugen.
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[Keywords: NewPhilology]
Odd Einar Haugen and P.C. Kurras.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Louis Havet.
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[Keywords: Why]
Sebastian Heath.
Applied use of json, geojson, json-ld, sparql, and ipython notebooks for representing and interactingwith small datasets.
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[Keywords: LOD, Programming]
Tom Heath and Christian Bizer.
Linked data: Evolving the web into a global data space.
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ISBN 9781608454303.
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[Keywords: LOD]
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Brett D. Hirsch.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Louis Hjelmslev.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Louis Trolle Hjelmslev.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Simon Hodson, Sarah Jones, Sandra Collins, Françoise Genova, Natalie Harrower, Leif Laaksonen, Daniel Mietchen, Rūta Petrauskaité, and Peter Wittenburg.
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[Keywords: FAIR]
Claus Huitfeldt.
Text technology and textual criticism.
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Claus Huitfeldt.
Philosophy case study.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers]
Claus Huitfeldt and Michael Sperberg-McQueen.
Transcriptional implicature: using a transcript to reason about an exemplar.
In Digital Humanities 2017, Montreal. 2017.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Claus Huitfeldt and Michael Sperberg-McQueen.
Document similarity: transcription and document similarity measures.
In Digital Humanities - Aktuelle Forschungsthemen Kolloquium im Sommersemester 2020. 2020.
[Keywords: Reuse]
Alessandro Iannella.
Idee per una nuova didattica del latino nel liceo linguistico.
Thesis, Tesi di laurea triennale, Università di Pisa, Corso di Laurea Triennale in Lettere, 2016.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Alessandro Iannella.
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[Keywords: Layers, EvaluationDH]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, Ius]
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[Keywords: FAIR]
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[Keywords: ApparatusGraph, Collation]
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[Keywords: Why]
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[Keywords: Why]
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[Keywords: Where]
Matthew Kirschenbaum.
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[Keywords: Where]
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[Keywords: Programming]
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[Keywords: ConfCatt2006, DigiClass]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH]
Maurizio Lana.
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[Keywords: DigiClass, Ius]
Maurizio Lana, Raffaella Afferni, Alice Borgna, Paolo Monella, and Timothy Tambassi.
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Christopher D. Land.
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Claas Lattmann.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
John Lavagnino and Dominik Wujastyk.
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[Keywords: Why]
M. Lazzari.
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[Keywords: IntroDH]
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[Keywords: Why]
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Lino Leonardi.
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Lino Leonardi.
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[Keywords: Collation]
Daniel Libatique, Dominic Machado, and David Neel Smith.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
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[Keywords: Ursus]
Oddone Longo.
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[Keywords: ClassPhilEpist, Why]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH, Where]
Bill Lubanovic.
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[Keywords: Programming]
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[Keywords: IntroOther, OrList]
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[Keywords: ConfCatt2006, DigiClass]
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[Keywords: CultCrit]
Ermanno Malaspina.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Ermanno Malaspina.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Ermanno Malaspina.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Ermanno Malaspina.
Insegnare letteratura latina alle superiori ieri ed oggi: alcune riflessioni sulla scorta della prova d'ingresso all'università di torino.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Ermanno Malaspina.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Ermanno Malaspina.
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[Keywords: DigiClass, NewPhilology]
Ermanno Malaspina and Elisa Della Calce.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Francesco Mambrini and Marco Passarotti.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Massimo Manca.
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[Keywords: DigiClass, TeachingClassics]
Massimo Manca.
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[Keywords: DigiClass, TeachingClassics]
Tiziana Mancinelli and Andrea Marchesini.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Tiziana Mancinelli and Antonio Montefusco.
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Tiziana Mancinelli and Elena Pierazzo.
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ISBN 9788843099054.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Laura Mandell.
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[Keywords: Where]
Marilena Maniaci.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Thomas Margoni.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, Ius]
Cristina Marras.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Jon Martin.
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[Keywords: Sustainability]
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[Keywords: DigiClass, Fragments]
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Marta Materni.
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[Keywords: TEIMarkdown]
Marta Materni.
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[Keywords: NewPhilology]
William Mattingly.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Robert L. Maxwell.
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[Keywords: IntroOther]
Ewan McAndrew and Lorna Campbell.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Willard McCarty.
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[Keywords: Where]
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[Keywords: Why]
Willard McCarty.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Jerome McGann.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Jerome McGann.
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[Keywords: EvaluationDH, Sustainability]
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[Keywords: Why, NewPhilology]
M. McLuhan and S. Rizzo.
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[Keywords: IntroOther, LOD]
Ashley Mehlenbacher, Nike Abbott, Randy Harris, Chrysanne Di Marco, and David Cheriton.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Jan Christoph Meister.
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[Keywords: Where]
Federico Meschini.
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ISBN 9788893572668.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Federico Meschini.
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Francesca Michelone.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Guido Milanese.
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Guido Milanese.
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Guido Milanese.
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In E-latin...o? Sì, no, forse... Un viaggio tra gli strumenti e i percorsi della didattica multimediale e della formazione a distanza dedicati al latino. Il Quaderno di latino 3 (Nuova Secondaria Ricerca n. 5), 01 2011.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Guido Milanese.
Intelligenza, coding ed educazione classica.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Guido Milanese.
Sul commento boeziano ai topici di cicerone: un esperimento di filologia computazionale.
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[Keywords: Collation, DigiClass]
Guido Milanese.
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Trattati e manuali. Scienze linguistiche e letterature straniere.
Vita e Pensiero, 2020.
ISBN 9788834337516.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
C. Millson-Martula and K.B. Gunn.
The Digital Humanities: Implications for Librarians, Libraries, and Librarianship.
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ISBN 9780429687259.
Thomas Milo.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Thomas Milo.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, IncompleteBibData]
Ruslan Mitkov.
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Oxford Handbooks Series.
OUP Oxford, 2005.
ISBN 9780199276349.
Paolo Monella.
Towards a digital model to edit the different paratextuality levels within a textual tradition.
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URL:, doi:10.16995/dm.62.
[Keywords: TestoESenso, Where]
Paolo Monella.
Strumenti digitali per l'insegnamento del latino: una riflessione.
In Insegnare (ancora?) Latino. Percorsi di ricerca per una didattica sensata e motivante. CIDI, 12 2009.
Paolo Monella.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Paolo Monella.
Are tools all we need? Digital Humanities in the time of its institutionalisation.
Testo e senso, 13:Unpaged, 2012.
[Keywords: Where]
Paolo Monella.
In the Tower of Babel: modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual transmissions.
In London Digital Classicist Seminars 2012. Institute of Classical Studies, 07 2012.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers]
Paolo Monella.
L'Informatica Umanistica nel mondo: esperienze in corso.
In L'Informatica Umanistica e i suoi problemi: l'edizione critica digitale dei testi. Accademia dei Lincei, 06 2012.
[Keywords: Where]
Paolo Monella.
A Saussurean approach to graphemes declaration in charDecl for manuscripts encoding.
In TEIConference 2013. TEI-C, 10 2013.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Edizioni critiche digitali: problemi ed esemplificazioni.
In Informatica e studi filologici e linguistici. Dottorato di ricerca in Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici, Università degli Studi di Catania, 05 2014.
Paolo Monella.
Encoding pre-modern writing systems.
In The scholarly digital edition and the Humanities. Theoretical approaches and alternative tools. DiXiT Network, 12 2014.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Many witnesses, many layers: the digital scholarly edition of the Iudicium coci et pistoris (Anth. Lat. 199 Riese).
In Digital Humanities: progetti italiani ed esperienze di convergenza multidisciplinare, Collana Convegni - Studi umanistici - Quaderni DigiLab, 173–206. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2014.
URL:, doi:10.13133/978-88-98533-27-5.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
L'Informatica Umanistica tra istituzionalizzazione e strumentalismo.
In Annuario delle attività 2012, volume 131 of Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare «Beniamino Segre», 347–366. Scienze e Lettere, 2015.
[Keywords: Where]
Paolo Monella.
Diplomatica o interpretativa? L'edizione critica digitale oltre un vecchio bivio.
In Digital Scholarly Editing Theories, Models and Methods. La filologia al bivio? University of Palermo, Italy, University of Palermo, Italy, 05 2016.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Cittadini della rete. Studenti editori di Wikipedia, Wikisource e Wikibooks.
In Seminario di aggiornamento e formazione La città degli Antichi: modelli, parole, immagini. CIDI, September 2017.
[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Paolo Monella.
Forme del testo digitale.
In Filologia Digitale. Problemi e Prospettive, volume 135 of Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "Beniamino Segre", 143–161. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Bardi Edizioni, 2017.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Multi-layer textual representation of pre-modern primary sources.
In Digital Editing and Medieval Manuscripts Workshop. Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 07 2017.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Ursus from Benevento, De nomine, from the Adbreviatio artis grammaticae, codex Casanatensis 1086, ff. 1r-11r.
ALIM - Archivio della Latinità Italiana del Medioevo, 2017.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
A sustainable work flow for a multi-layer edition of the Chronicon by Romualdus Salernitanus.
In AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts, AMS Acta, 21–24. AIUCD, Alma DL UniBo, 2018.
URL:, doi:10.6092/unibo/amsacta/5997.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Informatica umanistica e analisi testuale: intorno al mito di Procne e Filomela.
In Mito, favola, fiaba: testimonianze linguistiche, tradizioni culturali, cornici pedagogiche. Università degli Studi di Enna Kore, 11 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Paolo Monella.
Livelli di rappresentazione del testo nell'edizione del De nomine di Orso Beneventano.
Umanistica Digitale, 2:67–91, 05 2018.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Why are there no comprehensively digital scholarly editions of classical texts?
In Digital Philology: New Thoughts on Old Questions, volume 27 of Storie e linguaggi, 141–159. edizioni, March 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass, NewPhilology]
Paolo Monella.
Esiste (e a che serve) l'umanista informatico? profili di ricerca e scelte organizzative.
In Digital Humanities and beyond. Prospettive per un Centro di Digital Scholarship for the Humanities a Torino. Torino, 5 febbraio 2019. MeDiHum, Università degli Studi di Torino, 02 2019.
[Keywords: Where]
Paolo Monella.
Filologia digitale e livelli di rappresentazione del testo: l'esempio dell'edizione di orso beneventano.
In Lectio magistralis per il Dottorato in Lettere. MeDiHum, Università degli Studi di Torino, 02 2019.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Fuori dalla Torre di Babele: interoperabilità e sistemi grafici pre-moderni.
In Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities. Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, Ca' Foscari University, 12 2019.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
L'edizione critica digitale: la critica del testo nella storia della tradizione.
Storie e linguaggi, 5(1):61–82, 2019.
[Keywords: DigiClass, NewPhilology]
Paolo Monella.
La tabella dei segni nell'edizione scientifica digitale: un approccio saussuriano.
In Philosophy of Language and Digital Humanities. Università della Calabria, 05 2019.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Verso un'edizione critica digitale del Chronicon di Romualdo Salernitano.
In Giornata di studi normanno-sveva. Università degli Studi di Enna "Kore", 05 2019.
[Keywords: Collation]
Paolo Monella.
An ontology for digital graphematics and philology.
In Die (hyper-)diplomatische Transkription und ihre Erkenntnispotentiale. Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW), 02 2020.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
L'edizione di Orso Beneventano: dalla trascrizione grafematica ai LOD.
In ALIM and beyond - ALIM oltre ALIM. Ca' Foscari University, 2020.
[Keywords: LOD]
Paolo Monella.
Metodi digitali per l'insegnamento classico e umanistico.
EDUCatt, 2020.
ISBN 9788893357265.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Paolo Monella.
Scritture dimenticate, scritture colonizzate: sistemi grafici e codifiche digitali.
In Letteratura e altre rivoluzioni. Scritti per Raul Mordenti, 242–263. Bordeaux, 2020.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM, Graphematics]
Paolo Monella.
Workshop Linking text and image (TEI XML and IIIF).
In Venice Virtual Summer Camp on Digital and Public Humanities. Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities, July 2020.
Paolo Monella.
A digital critical edition model for Priscian: glosses, graeca, quotations.
Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, 44:135–149, 2021.
[Keywords: DigiClass, Priscian]
Paolo Monella.
Metodi digitali per lo studio dei personaggi del teatro antico.
In Il volto di Dioniso e le maschere di Lipari. 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
Paolo Monella.
L'insegnamento dell’informatica umanistica in italia: questioni formative, disciplinari, istituzionali.
In Informatica umanistica, Digital Humanities: verso quale modernità?, volume 6 of Sguardi sulla Modernità, 37–58. Cacucci Editore, 2024.
[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Paolo Monella and Fabio Cusimano.
Linking text and image: TEIXML and IIIF.
In Summer School ReIResources: Sharing Resources in a Networked Digital ecosystem. ReIReS (Research Infrastructure on Religious Studies), FSCIRE (Fondazione per le scienze religiose Giovanni XXIII) and AIUCD (Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale), 07 2019.
[Keywords: IIIF]
Paolo Monella and Roberto Rosselli Del Turco.
Extending the DSE: LOD support and TEI/IIIF integration in EVT.
In Atti del IX Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD). La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica, Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale, 148–155. Milano, 2020. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
URL:, doi:10.6092/unibo/amsacta/6316.
[Keywords: LOD, IIIF]
Paolo Monella and Gianni Sega.
Un laboratorio digitale di analisi del testo con Google Docs/Drive.
In Seminario di aggiornamento e formazione Insegnare il mito. Per un rilancio della cultura classica. CIDI, CIDI, 09 2016.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Raul Mordenti.
Edizione critica ipertestuale dello zibaldone laurenziano (pluteo xxix.8) autografo di giovanni boccaccio.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Raul Mordenti.
Appunti per una semiotica della trascrizione nella procedura ecdotica computazionale.
In Studi di codifica e trattamento automatico di testi, pages 85–124.
Bulzoni, 1987.
[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers]
Raul Mordenti.
Filologia e computer.
In Macchine per leggere: tradizioni e nuove tecnologie per comprendere i testi: atti del Convegno di studio della Fondazione Ezio Franceschini e della Fondazione IBM Italia, Certosa del Galluzzo, 19 novembre 1993.
Centro italiano di studi sull'Alto medioevo, 1994.
Raul Mordenti.
Per un'edizione ipertestuale dello zibaldone laurenziano di boccaccio (plut. xxix, 8).
In I nuovi orizzonti della filologia: ecdotica, critica testuale, editoria scientifica e mezzi informatici elettronici: convegno internazionale, Roma, 27-29 maggio 1998, Atti dei Convegni Lincei. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1999.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Raul Mordenti.
Informatica e critica dei testi.
Informatica e discipline umanistiche.
Bulzoni, 2001.
ISBN 9788883196195.
[Keywords: Babel, IntroDH]
Raul Mordenti.
L'insegnamento dell'informatica nelle facoltà umanistiche.
In "L'informatica umanistica oggi. Lo statuto e gli strumenti nella ricerca e nella didattica". XI Convegno annuale di informatica umanistica della Fondazione Ezio Franceschini in collaborazione con l'Università degli studi di Verona, 28 febbraio - 11 marzo 2003. 2003.
[Keywords: TeachingDH, Where]
Raul Mordenti.
L'altra critica: la nuova critica della letteratura tra studi culturali, didattica e informatica.
Meltemi, 2007.
ISBN 9788883535413.
[Keywords: Why]
Raul Mordenti.
Paradosis. A proposito del testo informatico.
Memorie lincee. Scienze mor., stor., fil. IX.
Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 2011.
ISBN 9788821810442.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, IntroDH, Layers]
Raul Mordenti.
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Humanist Studies & the Digital Age, 2(1):37–56, 2012.
Raul Mordenti.
Nani sulle spalle di giganti. alcune lezioni di metodo della filologia italiana e le prospettive dell’edizione critica digitale dello zibaldone laurenziano di giovanni boccaccio.
In Annuario delle attività 2012 - Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare beniamino Segre - vol. n. 131, 367–410. Scienze e Lettere, 2012.
Raul Mordenti.
Prospettive e problemi per l’edizione critica digitale dello zibaldone laurenziano (plut. xxix, 8) di giovanni boccaccio.
In Tavola rotonda L'informatica umanistica e i suoi problemi. L'edizione critica digitale dei testi. Roma, 20 giugno 2012. Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "B. Segre", 2012.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Vespa]
Camillo Morelli.
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[Keywords: Ursus]
Franco Moretti.
Conjectures on world literature.
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Franco Moretti.
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ISBN 9781781683330.
[Keywords: Distant, IntroDH]
S. Musso.
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Aevum Antiquum, pages 157–193, 2011.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Trevor Muñoz and Julia Flanders.
An introduction to humanities data curation.
In DH Curation Guide: a community resource guide to data curation in the digital humanities. 2012.
[Keywords: Sustainability]
Stefan Münnich and Thomas Ahrend.
Scholarly music editions as graph: semantic modelling of the anton webern gesamtausgabe.
In Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, volume 15 of Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 155–180. Books on Demand, 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
Oliver Nakoinz.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Iian Neill and Desmond Schmidt.
Speedy. a practical editor for texts annotated with standoff properties.
In Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, volume 15 of Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 45–54. Books on Demand, 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
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ISBN 9788887231038.
[Keywords: 2006]
Frederike Neuber.
Typografie und varianz in stefan georges werk. konzeptionelle überlegungen zu einer ,typografiekritischen‘ edition.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Frederike Neuber.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Stephen Nichols.
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[Keywords: Why, NewPhilology]
Stephen G. Nichols.
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[Keywords: IncompleteBibData, NewPhilology]
Stephen G. Nichols.
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Lionel Nicolas, Alexander König, Monica Monachini, Riccardo Del Gratta, Silvia Calamai, Andrea Abel, Alessandro Enea, Francesca Biliotti, Valeria Quochi, and Francesco Vincenzo Stella.
Clarin-it: state of affairs, challenges and opportunities.
In Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2017. Linköping University Electronic Press, 2018.
P.M. Nugues.
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[Keywords: Programming]
T. Numerico and A. Vespignani.
L'informatica per le discipline umanistiche.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH]
Teresa Numerico.
Big data e algoritmi. Prospettive critiche.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
Teresa Numerico, Domenico Fiormonte, and Francesca Tomasi.
L'umanista digitale.
Itinerari: Scienze umanistiche.
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[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH, Where]
Juan Nunez-Iglesias, Stéfan van der Walt, S. Walt, and Harriet Dashnow.
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ISBN 9781491922958.
[Keywords: Programming]
Elisa Nury and Elena Spadini.
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[Keywords: Collation]
Elisa Laure Nury.
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[Keywords: Collation]
Julianne Nyhan and Andrew Flinn.
Computation and the Humanities. Towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities.
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Winfried Nöth.
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Advances in Semiotics.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers, OrList]
Aileen Oeberst, Ulrike Cress, Mitja Back, and Steffen Nestler.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Gunnar Olsson.
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[Keywords: Modelling]
Tito Orlandi.
Informatica umanistica. riflessioni storiche e metodologiche, con due esempi.
In Studi di codifica e trattamento automatico di testi, pages 1–37.
Bulzoni, 1987.
Tito Orlandi.
Informatica umanistica.
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ISBN 9788843008872.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Tito Orlandi.
Informatica, formalizzazione e discipline umanistiche.
In Discipline umanistiche e informatica. Il problema della formalizzazione, pages 7–17.
URL: orlandi/pubbli/formaliz.html.
Tito Orlandi.
From the book to the electronic edition of literary texts.
In The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community, pages 181–182.
Portland Press, 1998.
URL: orlandi/pubbli/stoccolma.html.
Tito Orlandi.
Linguistica, sistemi, e modelli.
In Il ruolo del modello nella scienza e nel sapere (Roma, 27-28 ottobre 1998), volume 100 of Contributi del Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare Beniamino Segre. Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1999.
URL: orlandi/pubbli/modello.html.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Tito Orlandi.
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URL: orlandi/pubbli/branca.html.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers, Why]
Tito Orlandi.
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[Keywords: Where]
Tito Orlandi.
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[Keywords: Babel, CultCrit, Graphematics, IntroDH, Layers, Why, Where]
Tito Orlandi.
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Tito Orlandi.
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Tito Orlandi.
Nel centenario della nascita di alan turing. alle origini dell'informatica.
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Tito Orlandi, Domenico Fiormonte, and Giulia Buccini.
Per un curriculum europeo di informatica umanistica.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Tito Orlandi and Raul Mordenti.
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[Keywords: TeachingDH, Where]
Renzo Orsini.
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[Keywords: OOP]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, Graphematics]
Wilhelm Ott.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Daniel Paul O’Donnell, Gurpreet Singh, Dot Porter, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Marco Callieri, Matteo Dellepiane, and Roberto Scopigno.
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[Keywords: DigiClass, Ius]
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Bill Pascoe.
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[Keywords: Graphematics, Layers, Ursus]
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[Keywords: Layers, Vespa, Why]
Marco Passarotti.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
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[Keywords: IntroOther]
Lorenzo Perilli.
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[Keywords: 2006, DigiClass]
Lorenzo Perilli.
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[Keywords: Babel, CultCrit, Where]
Michela Perino, Michele Ginolfi, Anna Candida Felici, and Michela Rosellini.
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[Keywords: HTR]
Antonio Perri.
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Antonio Perri.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, TestoESenso]
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[Keywords: TeachingDH]
Armando Petrucci.
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Corrado Petrucco.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Corrado Petrucco.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
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Elena Pierazzo.
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[Keywords: IntroDH]
Elena Pierazzo.
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[Keywords: Why, Babel, Genetic]
Elena Pierazzo.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers, Why]
Elena Pierazzo.
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[Keywords: Genetic]
Elena Pierazzo and Julie André.
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[Keywords: TestoESenso, Where]
Elena Pierazzo and Roberto Rosselli Del Turco.
Critica testuale e nuovi metodi: l'edizione scientifica digitale.
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[Keywords: NewPhilology]
Elena Pierazzo and Peter A. Stokes.
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[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Wendell Piez.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Jonathan Prag.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Christian M. Prager, Sven Gronemeyer, Elisabeth Wagner, Franziska Diehr, Maximilian Brodhun, Katja Diederichs, and Nikolai Grube.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
S. Prata, D. Martin, and Waite Group.
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ISBN 9780672225628.
Angela Pratesi, Wendy Miller, and Elizabeth Sutton.
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[Keywords: TeachingWiki]
Marc Prensky.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Marc R. Prensky.
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ISBN 9781452284194.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Andrew Prescott.
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[Keywords: TestoESenso, Where]
Miller C. Prosser and Sandra R. Schloen.
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[Keywords: LOD]
Wesley Raabe and Les Harrison.
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[Keywords: Collation, TestoESenso, Where]
Elena Radutzky.
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[Keywords: Graphematics]
Johann Ramminger.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Johann Ramminger.
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[Keywords: DigiClass]
Michael D. Reeve.
Stemmatic method: «qualcosa che non funziona»?
In Manuscripts and Methods. Essays on Editing and Transmission, volume 270 of Storia e letteratura. Raccolta di studi e testi, pages 27–44.
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2011.
Digital Papyrology II: Case Studies in the Digital Edition of Ancient Greek Papyri.
De Gruyter, 2018.
ISBN 978-3-11-053852-6.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Nicola Reggiani.
The corpus of the greek medical papyri and a new concept of digital critical edition.
Unknown journal, pages 3, 2018.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Malte Rehbein.
Reconstructing the textual evolution of a medieval manuscript.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 24(3):319–327, Unknown year.
[Keywords: Babel, DigiClass]
K. Reitz and T. Schlusser.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python: Best Practices for Development.
O'Reilly Media, 2016.
ISBN 9781491933237.
[Keywords: Programming]
Allen Renear, Elli Mylonas, and David Durand.
Refining our notion of what text really is: the problem of overlapping hierarchies.
Unknown journal, 1993.
[Keywords: Babel, TestoESenso]
Leighton Durham Reynolds and Nigel Guy Wilson.
Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature.
Clarendon Press, 1991.
ISBN 9780198721468.
[Keywords: Layers, Vespa, Why]
Frederick Riemenschneider and Anette Frank.
Exploring large language models for classical philology.
In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 15181–15199. Toronto, Canada, July 2023. Association for Computational Linguistics.
URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/2023.acl-long.846.
Frederick Riemenschneider and Anette Frank.
Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit. detecting latin allusions to ancient greek literature.
[Keywords: Reuse]
Eddo Rigotti and Carlo Cipolli.
Ricerche di semantica testuale: atti del seminario su "senso e testo: processi di strutturazione e destrutturazione": milano, 4-5 febbraio 1987.
Unknown journal, 1988.
[Keywords: TextLing]
M. Riva.
Il futuro della letteratura.L'opera letteraria nell'epoca della sua (ri)producibilità digitale.
ScriptaWeb, 2011.
[Keywords: CultCrit, Where]
Pier Cesare Rivoltella.
Wattpad: così la scrittura invade il web.
Vita e Pensiero, 102(2):101–105, 2019.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Alfredo Rizza, Vincenzo Orioles, Raffaella Bombi, and Marica Brazzo.
On the definition of grapheme: online resources.
In Proceedings of the first Workshop on the Metalanguage of Linguistics: models and applications. University of Udine, Lignano, March 2-3, 2012, volume 11 of Lingue, Linguaggi, Metalinguaggio, 151–165. Il Calamo, 2012.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Bruce Robertson.
Optical character recognition for classical philology.
In Digital Classical Philology: Ancient Greek and Latin in the Digital Revolution, volume 10 of Age of Access? Grundfragen der Informationsgesellschaft, pages 117–136.
De Gruyter Saur, 2019.
URL:, doi:doi:10.1515/9783110599572-008.
[Keywords: DigiClass, OCR]
David Robey.
Appendix B. Metrical Markup of the Commedia Text.
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Inkless Editions, 2021.
Peter Robinson.
The one text and the many texts.
Literary and linguistic computing, 15(1):5–14, 2000.
Peter Robinson.
What is an electronic critical edition?
Variants. Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship, 1:43–62, 2002.
Peter Robinson.
Four rules for the application of phylogenetics in the analysis of textual traditions.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, pages 637–651, 2015.
[Keywords: Phylogenetics]
Peter Robinson.
The digital revolution in scholarly editing.
In Ars Edendi Lecture Series, volume IV, pages 181–207.
Stockholm University Press, 2016.
Peter M. W. Robinson.
Rationale and implementation of the collation system used on this cd-rom.
In The Miller's Tale on CD-ROM.
Scholarly Digital Editions, 2004.
[Keywords: Babel, Collation]
Peter M. W. Robinson.
Current issues in making digital editions of medieval texts — or, do electronic scholarly editions have a future?
Digital Medievalist, 2005.
[Keywords: Babel, Why, TestoESenso, Where]
Peter M. W. Robinson.
The canterbury tales and other medieval texts.
In Electronic Textual Editing.
Modern Language Association of America, 2006.
[Keywords: Babel, Phylogenetics, Why]
Peter M. W. Robinson.
Project-based digital humanities and social, digital, and scholarly editions.
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 31(4):875–889, 2016.
Peter M. W. Robinson.
Where we are with electronic scholarly editions, and where we want to be.
Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie - online, Unknown year.
[Keywords: Babel, Why, Where]
Peter M. W. Robinson and Elizabeth Solopova.
Guidelines for the transcription of the manuscripts of the wife of bath’s prologue.
In The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers, volume 5, pages 19–52.
Office for Humanities Communication, 1993.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers]
Handbook of Stemmatology: History, Methodology, Digital Approaches.
De Gruyter Handbook.
Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2020.
ISBN 9783110674170.
[Keywords: IntroOther, Phylogenetics]
Hartley Jr. Rogers.
Teoria delle funzioni ricorsive e della computabilità effettiva.
Tecniche nuove, 1992.
ISBN 9780262680523.
[Keywords: OrList]
Antonio Rojas Castro.
La edición académica digital: de las teorías del texto a la visualización de la información.
Humanidades digitales: edición, literatura y arte, pages 47–80, 2018.
Antonio Rojas Castro.
Modeling FRBR entities and their relationships with TEI. a look at HallerNet bibliographic descriptions.
In Text Encoding Initiative Annual Meeting. Zenodo, September 2019.
URL:, doi:10.5281/zenodo.3446218.
[Keywords: LOD]
Matteo Romanello.
The digital critical edition of fragments: theoretical problems and technical solutions.
In Linguistica e Filologia Digitale: Aspetti e Progetti, 147–155. Edizioni dell'Orso, 2011.
[Keywords: Fragments, Why]
Matteo Romanello, Monica Berti, Alison Babeu, and Gregory Crane.
When printed hypertexts go digital: information extraction from the parsing of indices.
In Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, HT ’09, 357–358. Association for Computing Machinery, 2009.
URL:, doi:10.1145/1557914.1557987.
[Keywords: Fragments]
Matteo Romanello, Monica Berti, Federico Boschetti, Alison Babeu, and Gregory Crane.
Rethinking critical editions of fragmentary texts by ontologies.
In Rethinking Electronic Publishing: Innovation in Communication Paradigms and Technologies. Proceedings of the 13. International Conference on Electronic Publishing, ELPUB 2009: Milan, Italy, June 10-12 2009, 155–174. ELPUB, 2009.
[Keywords: Fragments, Why]
Matteo Romanello and Michele Pasin.
Using linked open data to bootstrap a knowledge base of classical texts.
In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic Web (WHiSe II) co-located with 16th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2017), number CONF, 3–14. CEUR, 2017.
[Keywords: CTS, DigiClass, LOD]
G. Roncaglia.
La quarta rivoluzione: sei lezioni sul futuro del libro.
I Robinson. Letture.
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ISBN 9788842092995.
[Keywords: IntroMedia, CultCrit]
Michela Rosellini.
Paucorum in usum? travagli di un editore critico nell’epoca della post-verità.
Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici, 79:101–118, 2017.
[Keywords: Priscian]
Michela Rosellini and Elena Spangenberg Yanes.
Per un thesaurus dubii sermonis digitale.
Rationes Rerum. Rivista di filologia e storia, 14:259–290, 2019.
[Keywords: Priscian]
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco.
Il progetto vercelli book digitale: codifica e visualizzazione di un'edizione diplomatica grazie alle norme TEI p5.
In Medieval texts - Contemporary media. The art and science of editing in the digital age, pages 131–152.
Ibis, 2009.
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco.
Il vercelli book digitale: teoria e pratica di un progetto di edizione elettronica.
Schede Umanistiche, 28:181–200, 2016.
[Keywords: Layers, Ursus]
Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Chiara Martignano, Chiara Di Pietro, Giulia Cacioli, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, and Simone Zenzaro.
DSE visualisation with EVT: simplicity is complex.
In Digital Humanities 2019 Conference papers. ADHO, 2019.
Irene Rossi, Annamaria De Santis, and Alessandra Avanzini.
Encoding, interoperability, lexicography: digital epigraphy through the lens of DASI experience.
In Crossing Experiences in Digital Epigraphy. From Practice to Discipline. De Gruyter Open, 2018.
Camilla Rossini.
A digital review of critical editions: a case study on sophocles, ajax 1-332.
In Atti del IX Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD). La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica, Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale, 227–234. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2020.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Roghayeh Rostampour.
Footprints of the ‘West’ in Arabic language and literature.
In Decolonising the university: the emerging quest for non-eurocentric paradigms. Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2012.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Humanidades digitales: edición, literatura y arte.
Biblioteca de humanidades digitales.
Bonilla Artigas Editores, 2018.
ISBN 9786078560684.
E. Russo.
12. per un repertorio digitale degli autografi dei letterati italiani.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 143–152. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
Ersilia Russo and Claudia Bonsi.
PhiloEditor®: simplified HTML markup for interpretative pathways over literary collections.
In Atti del IX Convegno Annuale dell'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD). La svolta inevitabile: sfide e prospettive per l'Informatica Umanistica, Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale, 47–54. Milano, 2020. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
E.J.W. Rutten.
Variatio delectat: accounting for variations in the textual transmission of alcman and tyrtaeus.
PhD Research proposal, HLCS, Radboud University Nijmegen, 2012.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox.
Digitizing latin incunabula: challenges, methods, and possibilities.
In Changing the Center of Gravity, pages 135–150.
Gorgias Press, 2010.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox, Robert F. Chavez, Anne Mahoney, David A. Smith, and Gregory R. Crane.
Knowledge management in the perseus digital library.
Ariadne, 2000.
[Keywords: ConfCatt2006, DigiClass]
Philippe Régnier.
2. ongoing challenges for digital critical editions.
In Digital Critical Editions, Topics in the Digital Humanities, pages 58–80.
University of Illinois Press, 2014.
Arjun Sabharwal.
Digital Curation in the Digital Humanities: Preserving and Promoting Archival and Special Collections.
Elsevier Science, 2015.
ISBN 9780081001783.
[Keywords: DigiClass, Sustainability]
P. Sahle.
Digitale Editionsformen: Befunde, Theorie und Methodik.
Digitale Editionsformen: zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels.
BoD, Books on Demand, 2013.
ISBN 9783848252527.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
P. Sahle.
Digitale Editionsformen: Das typografische Erbe.
Digitale Editionsformen: zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels.
BoD, 2013.
ISBN 9783848263202.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
P. Sahle.
Digitale Editionsformen: Textbegriffe und Recodierung.
Digitale Editionsformen: zum Umgang mit der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels.
BoD, Books on Demand, 2013.
ISBN 9783848253579.
[Keywords: IntroDH, NewPhilology]
Patrick Sahle.
Digitale Editionsformen. Aufbereitung der Überlieferung unter den Bedingungen des Medienwandels.
PhD thesis, Köln, 2009.
[Keywords: Babel, Why]
Patrick Sahle.
Digitale editionstechniken.
In Digitale Arbeitstechniken: Für die Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften, Uni-Taschenbücher M, pages 231–249.
Böhlau-Verlag GmbH, 2010.
[Keywords: Babel, Why]
Patrick Sahle.
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Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement, pages 183–192, 2018.
[Keywords: Modelling]
Patrick Sahle, Simone Kronenwett, and Jonathan Blumtritt.
Sustainability?! four paradigms for humanities data centers.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Data Management Workshop, Kölner Geographische Arbeiten. Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln, 2016.
[Keywords: Sustainability]
Edward Wadie Said.
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1978.
ISBN 9780143027980.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Alberto Salarelli.
International image interoperability framework (iiif): a panoramic view.
JLIS, Italian Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science = Rivista italiana di biblioteconomia, archivistica e scienza dell'informazione, 2017.
[Keywords: IIIF]
Enrica Salvatori.
L’edizione digitale di fonti storiche: nuove opportunità, nuovi problemi, nuove figure.
Pisa University Press, 2017.
G. Sampson.
Writing Systems: A Linguistic Introduction.
Stanford University Press, 1990.
ISBN 9780804717564.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, Layers, OrList]
G. Sampson.
Empirical linguistics.
Open linguistics series.
Continuum, 2001.
ISBN 9780826457943.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics, OrList]
G. Sampson and D. McCarthy.
Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a Widening Discipline.
Open Linguistics Series.
Bloomsbury, 2005.
ISBN 9780826488039.
[Keywords: Babel, Graphematics]
Stephen Sansom.
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Society for Classical Studies Website, 2019.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Introduzione alla filosofia analitica del linguaggio.
Unknown publisher, 1992.
[Keywords: IntroOther]
Mauro Santaniello.
Internet Public Policy. Politiche pubbliche e governance delle reti digitali.
Aracne, 2018.
ISBN 9788825511406.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
Giulia Sarullo.
Iscrizioni latine arcaiche: a digital corpus of archaic latin inscriptions.
In Öffentlichkeit - Monument - Text. XIV Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae (27. – 31. Augusti MMXII). Akten, 515–517. De Gruyter, 9 2014.
[Keywords: DigiClass]
Helene Schlicht.
Open Access, Open Data, Open Software? Proprietary Tools and Their Restrictions.
Digital Humanities Research.
Bielefeld University Press-transcript Verlag. Ci sono arrivato da un tweet dell'autrice nell'autunno 2020, disponibile in open access online, 2020.
ISBN 9783839454190.
URL:, doi:10.14361/9783839454190.
[Keywords: CultCrit, LOD]
D. Schmidt.
8. ecdosis: scholarly editions for the web.
In Edizioni Critiche Digitali/Digital Critical Editions, Edizioni a confronto-Comparing editions, Convegni 34. Studi Umanistici. Serie Philologica, 93–104. Sapienza Università Editrice, 2016.
Desmond Schmidt.
The inadequacy of embedded markup for cultural heritage texts.
LLC, 25(3):337–356, 2010.
[Keywords: MVD, XMLAlternatives]
Desmond Schmidt.
The role of markup in the digital humanities.
In The Cologne Dialogue on Digital Humanities 2012. Universität zu Köln, Cologne Center for eHumanities, 04 2012.
[Keywords: MVD, XMLAlternatives]
Desmond Schmidt.
The current state of the digital scholarly edition and three challenges.
Unknown journal, 2019.
Desmond Schmidt and Robert Colomb.
A data structure for representing multi-version texts online.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67(6):497–514, 2009.
URL: schmidt/_articles/elsevier.pdf.
[Keywords: ApparatusGraph, Bootcamp, Collation, MVD, XMLAlternatives]
Desmond Schmidt and Domenico Fiormonte.
Multi-version documents: a digitisation solution for textual cultural heritage artefacts.
Intelligenza Artificiale, 4(1):56–61, 2010.
[Keywords: ApparatusGraph, Babel, Collation, MVD, XMLAlternatives]
Jeffrey Schnapp, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Presner Todd, and Ann Burdick.
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ISBN 9788852049408.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
A Companion To Digital Humanities.
Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture.
Blackwell Pub., 2004.
ISBN 9781405103213.
[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH]
S. Schreibman, R.G. Siemens, and J.M. Unsworth.
A New Companion to Digital Humanities.
Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture.
Wiley, 2016.
ISBN 9781118680599.
[Keywords: CultCrit, IntroDH]
Zoe Schubert and Elisabeth Reuhl.
Setting the space: creating surroundings for an interdisciplinary discourse and sharing of (implicit) knowledge.
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung. Supplement, pages 201–208, 2018.
[Keywords: Modelling]
Hugo Schuchardt.
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[Keywords: Why]
Valeria Scotti.
Usare i social media per la comunicazione scientifica.
In Fare Open Access: La libera diffusione del sapere scientifico nell’era digitale, CopyLeft Italia, 119–155. Ledizioni, 2019.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
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ISBN 9780132762564.
[Keywords: OOP]
Giovanni Sega.
La scrivania elettronica.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Giovanni Sega.
Studiare, imparare, insegnare con il computer.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Giovanni Sega.
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[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Cesare Segre.
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In La pratique des ordinateurs dans la critique des textes, 45–49. Éditions du CNRS, 1979.
[Keywords: Babel, Layers, Why]
Salvatore Settis.
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Il Sole 24 Ore.
Einaudi, 2008.
[Keywords: Why]
C.E. Shannon and W. Weaver.
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[Keywords: OrList]
Dante Alighieri, Commedia. A Digital Edition.
Fondazione Ezio Franceschini, Inkless Editions, 2 edition, 2021.
ISBN 1-904628-21-4.
Peter Shillingsburg.
Textuality and Knowledge: Essays.
Penn State Series in the History of the Book.
Penn State University Press, 2017.
ISBN 9780271079936.
George Siemens.
Connectivism: a learning theory for the digital age.
International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 2005.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics, MOOC]
George Siemens.
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ISBN 9781430302308.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics, MOOC]
R. G. Siemens.
A new computer-assisted literary criticism?
Computers and the Humanities, 36:259–267, 2002.
[Keywords: Babel]
Ray Siemens.
Communities of practice, the methodological commons and digital self-determination in the humanities.
In DH2014. ADHO, 2014.
Ray Siemens, Meagan Timney, Cara Leitch, Corina Koolen, and Alex Garnett.
Understanding the electronic scholarly edition in the context of new and emerging social media: selected, annotated bibliographies.
Unknown journal, 2012.
Kyle Siler.
Future challenges and opportunities in academic publishing author(s).
The Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 42:83–114, 2017.
[Keywords: CultCrit]
Carlo Sini.
Il simbolo e l'uomo.
Testi contemporanei.
EGEA, 1991.
ISBN 978-8823801066.
Colin Sippl and Manuel Burghardt.
Christian wolff: modelling cross-document interdependencies in medieval charters of the st. katharinenspital in regensburg.
In Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, volume 15 of Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 181–203. Books on Demand, 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
Vito Sivo.
Studi sui trattati grammaticali mediolatini.
QM, 11:237–238, 1981.
[Keywords: Ursus]
Lars Skyttner.
General systems theory: problems, perspectives, practice.
World Scientific, 2005.
ISBN 9789812563897.
[Keywords: OrList]
D Neel Smith and Gabriel Weaver.
Applying domain knowledge from structured citation formats to text and data mining: examples using the cite architecture.
In Text Mining Services: Building and Applying Text Mining Based Service Infrastructures in Research and Industry, volume 129 of Leipziger Beiträge zur Information, 129–139. 2009.
URL: trdata/reports/TR2009-649.pdf.
[Keywords: CTS]
David Smith.
Textual variation and version control in the tei.
Computers and the Humanities, 33(1/2):103–112, 1999.
[Keywords: Babel]
David A. Smith, Anne Mahoney, and Jeffrey A. Rydberg-Cox.
Management of xml documents in an integrated digital library.
In Proceedings of Extreme Markup Languages 2000, 219–224. 2000.
URL: =
[Keywords: ConfCatt2006]
Neel Smith.
Citation in classical studies.
In Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure.
Gorgias Press, 2009.
[Keywords: DigiClass, CTS]
Paolo Sordi.
La macchina dello storytelling. Facebook e il potere di narrazione dell'era dei social media.
Bordeaux, 2018.
ISBN 9788899641603.
[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
Elena Spadini and Francesca Tomasi.
In Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing, volume 15 of Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik, 1–6. Books on Demand, 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
Elena Spadini, Francesca Tomasi, and Georg Vogeler.
Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies in Scholarly Digital Editing.
Volume 15 of IDE Schriftenreihe.
Books on Demand, 2021.
[Keywords: LOD]
Elena Spadini and Magdalena Turska.
Xml-tei stand-off markup: one step beyond.
Digital Philology: A Journal of Medieval Cultures, 8(2):225–239, 2019.
[Keywords: XMLAlternatives]
Daria Spampinato.
L’uso degli standard xml per la gestione in rete dei documenti giuridici romani.
In Diritto romano e scienze antichistiche nell'era digitale, 173–192. G. Giappichelli, 2012.
[Keywords: Ius]
AIUCD2018 - Book of Abstracts.
Quaderni di Umanistica Digitale.
Unknown publisher, 2018.
ISBN 9788894253528.
Elena Spangenberg Yanes.
A new database of the latin grammarians. linguistic and philological critieria of the linguistic markup.
Storie e Linguaggi, pages 1–34, 2022.
[Keywords: Priscian]
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen.
How to teach your edition how to swim.
Literary and Linguistic Computing, 24:27–52, 2009.
[Keywords: Why]
C.M. Sperberg-McQueen and Claus Huitfeldt.
Goddag: a data structure for overlapping hierarchies.
In DDEP-PODDP 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2023, pages 139–160.
Springer, 2004.
[Keywords: Babel, XMLAlternatives]
Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Yves Marcoux, and Claus Huitfeldt.
Transcriptional implicature: a contribution to markup semantics.
In DH. 2014.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Paolo Squillacioti.
Il LirIO visto dall’OVI: qualche riflessione, una proposta.
Unknown journal, 2013.
S. Staab and R. Studer.
Handbook on Ontologies.
International Handbooks on Information Systems.
Springer, 2013.
ISBN 9783540247500.
[Keywords: LOD]
Christian Steiner.
Linked data curation using openrefine.
In Linked Data and the Semantic Web for Humanities research. 2019.
[Keywords: LOD]
Francesco Stella.
Tipologie di edizione digitale per i testi medievali.
In Poesía medieval: historia literaria y trasmisión de textos, pages 327–362.
Editorial Universidad de Vitoria, 2005.
[Keywords: NewPhilology, Why]
Francesco Stella.
Corpus rhythmorum musicum (saec. iv-ix) - i. songs from non-liturgical sources / canti di tradizione non liturgica. 1. lyrics / canzoni.
[Keywords: Why]
Francesco Stella.
Digital philology, medieval texts, and the corpus of latin rhythms, a digital edition of music and poems.
In Digital Philology and Medieval Texts, 223–249. Pacini, 2007.
[Keywords: NewPhilology, Why]
Francesco Stella.
Standards digitali per le edizioni a stampa: il successo di un modello in crisi.
In Digital Philology and Medieval Texts, volume 4. Pacini, 2007.
[Keywords: NewPhilology]
Francesco Stella.
Il problema della codifica nelle edizioni filologiche digitali.
In Nel segno del testo: edizioni, materiali e studi per Oronzo Pecere, volume 44 of Papyrologica Florentina. Edizioni Gonnelli, 2015.
Francesco Stella.
Testi letterari e analisi digitale.
Carocci, 2018.
ISBN 9788843090129.
[Keywords: IntroDH]
Peter A. Stokes.
Describing handwriting - again.
In Digital Palaeography: New Machines and Old Texts. Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 14302, 217–218. July 2021.
URL:, doi:10.4230/DagRep.4.7.112.
[Keywords: Babel, DigiClass, Graphematics, Layers]
Peter A. Stokes.
Aligning archetype: towards a formal model for a transversal palaeography.
In Neo-Palaeography: Analysing Ancient Greek and Coptic Handwritings in the Digital Age. forthcoming.
[Keywords: Graphematics]
Clifford Stoll.
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Gli elefanti.
Garzanti, 2004.
ISBN 9788811677673.
[Keywords: TeachingClassics]
Pasquale Stoppelli.
Letteratura e informatica.
In Il Novecento: scenari di fine secolo, volume III of Storia della Letteratura Italiana, 811–835. Garzanti, 2001.
Pasquale Stoppelli.
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[Keywords: LOD]
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[Keywords: CultCrit, GAFAM]
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