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Paolo Monella Workshop of digital text representation Verona, April 12, 2021

Digital Oil Painting of the Ponte Garibaldi in Verona by Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Digital Oil Painting of the Ponte Garibaldi in Verona by Charles W. Bailey, Jr. (CC BY-NC 2.0)


This page includes the materials of my Workshop of digital text representation held on April 12, 2021 at the Dottorato in Letterature Straniere, Lingue e Linguistica of the University of Verona, Italy.



During the workshop, students will mark up either the texts that they are working on for their own research project, or texts presenting the same research questions, provided by the instructor. The workshop will thus provide them with hands-on experience on textual markup, as well as with an opportunity to reflect on possible applications of digital methods to their own research.


The workshop is aimed at the PhD students of the University of Verona who have already attended the Digital Humanities Winter School at the same University in January 2021, and particularly the course Standards for text representation in the humanities: The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) and the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) taught by Dr. Anna Cappellotto. .


The workshop will be held online, on Zoom. Students will use their own computers and the same software that they used for the course taught by A. Cappellotto. Those who do not have an XML editor installed, can download the open source software XML Copy Editor or Oxygen XML Editor (the latter requires a 30-days trial license).

Timetable and materials

Download the zip file with all working materials.

09:00 09:20 Theater - Shakespeare's The Tempest
09:20 09:50 Visualization: from XML to HTML (a glance at XSLT)
  • HTML visualization (result of Oxygen scenario); control-U
  • Oxygen
    • File / New / Popular / XHTML / XHTML 5 / Create
    • File / Save as / (Save to Desktop)
09.50 10.10 Annotation (style, metaphors, concepts... anything)
10:10 10:20 Why do we do this? Visualization and/as processing (statistics, indexes etc.)
10:20 11:40 Linguistic annotation
10:40 11:00 Audiovisual material
11:00 12:00 Individual work and tutoring on individual research projects  
12:00 12:20 Plenary: exercise correction  
12:20 13:00 Round table: what can I make of this?  

Relevant TEI Guidelines chapters

Topics of interest of the students

The following topics emerged from a survey that students very kindly filled on their specific research interests and needs:
Area Sub-area Language of texts DH topics Ling. Annot. Liter. Annot. Audio-visual Viz. TEI features
compLing morphology GER XML linguistic annotation (incl. feature structures), XSLT, audio-visual yes yes yes @msd, @ana, @fs
compLing metaphors Chinese/ENG Practical application to one’s work yes yes @ana
compLing phonetics ITA/GER Analysis of linguistic corpora yes @ana, <c>
literature history SPA HTML visualization, "how the labels work in the XML-TEI" (to be clarified); future digital editions yes yes @ana
literature ENG Annotate theatre in TEI, audio-visual yes yes @ana, theatre
philology graphematics Old Danish Menota, XSLT basic transformation, audio-visual yes yes <g>
teaching ELT ENG Annotate teaching materials in TEI yes @ana