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Paolo Monella L'edizione di Orso Beneventano Dalla trascrizione grafematica ai LOD

Italiano English

ALIM Orso-LiLa 2020



This page includes materials relative to my talk L'edizione di Orso Beneventano: dalla trascrizione grafematica ai LOD, delivered at the conference ALIM and beyond, Ca' Foscari University Venice, on January 28, 2020.

Questa pagina contiene i materiali relativi al contributo: L'edizione di Orso Beneventano: dalla trascrizione grafematica ai LOD, presentato al convegno ALIM oltre ALIM, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia, il 28 gennaio 2020.


This talk outlines strategies for a planned connection of my digital scholarly edition of the De nomine by Ursus Beneventanus ( and the Linked Open Data (LOD) infrastructure for Latin built by the LiLa-Linking Latin Project ( This connection should happen at two layers. At the linguistic layer, information on lemmas and morphology encoded in the edition would be linked to existing ontologies embedded into LiLa. However, the current lemmatization/PoS tagging of the Ursus edition should be revised before the connection with the LiLa LOD resources. As far as the graphematic layer is concerned (e.g. palaeographic information relative to graphemes, abbreviation marks, punctuation etc.), no ontology currently exists for this domain. My current research project at the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities of Ca' Foscari University, Venice, consists precisely in the creation of this ontology. When it will be created and published, and Lila will integrate it, a joint project can be devised to create a prototypical integration of the Ursus edition in the LiLa LOD ecosystem based on graphematic/palaeographic information.

