
Christian Wittern, Writing Systems and Character Representation

Riassunto mio. Tre livelli: 1. character encoding (letters → numbers); 2. text encoding (descriptive markup); 3. style markup. Il capitolo si occupa solo di 1. Ma è tutto basato su Unicode, quindi in pratica su un procedimento analogico. Paragrafo interessante: "Visually different forms of identical abstract characters" (http://www.tei-c.org/About/Archive\_new/ETE/Preview/wittern.xml\#body.1\_div.4\_div.3; esempio: sigma greco mediano e finale). Raccomanda di usare gli "standard glyphs" corrispondenti agli "abstract characters" e non le "the presentation forms" (quindi il sigma mediano e non quello finale). Paragrafo interessante. "Representing different stages in a writing system" (http://www.tei-c.org/About/Archive\_new/ETE/Preview/wittern.xml\#body.1\_div.5). Scrive: "In many scholarly editions, the requirement is not only to produce a text as faithful to the original as possible, but also to produce a derived version, using the modern conventions of the writing system to appeal to contemporary readers. In some cases, these differences involve mere variations in the orthography above the level of characters, but in other cases, shifts in the characters used to represent a word occur". Fa l'esempio di i/j e u/v in stampe inglesi dal primo Seicento in poi. Qui richiama da un lato , e , e dell'altro dice: "the TEI Guidelines describe in chapter 25 a general purpose mechanism for the definition and use of variant glyphs and characters, which is intended to make it easier and more convenient to encode both an original and a modern version of a text. 8 It should be noted however, that this covers only variation in the usage of characters and glyphs, rather than orthographic variation in general".

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