
Elena Spadini, Magdalena Turska, XML-TEI Stand-off Markup: One Step Beyond

Stand-off markup is widely considered to be a possible solution for overcoming the limitation of inline XML markup, primarily when dealing with multiple overlapping hierarchies. Considering previous contributions on the subject as well as the implementations of stand-off markup, we propose a new TEI-based model for encoding that still uses the regular TEI elements but in a stand-off manner. Our light notation moves the bulk of markup into a separate element, grouping layers of related textual features encoded via existing TEI elements (e.g., or ) into individual elements; furthermore, our proposed notation provides a schema for referencing the transcription using the xml:id attribute. This approach is illustrated through a variety of examples. Our proof-of-concept transformation package works directly on the stand-off markup without the necessity of reducing it back to inline TEI for parsing, querying, and visualizing. Source: https://muse.jhu.edu/article/736328

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