Peter Robinson, Where we are with electronic scholarly editions, and where we want to be
Scholarly electronic editions up to 2003 have rarely extended beyond the model of print technology, either in terms of product (the materials included and the ways they are accessed) or process (the means by which they are made and by which they may be manipulated). However, some edition projects are beginning to explore the possibility of the electronic medium, and others may follow their lead as the basic tools for their making become more widely distributed. Yet this may only be a prelude to a much greater challenge: the making of what may be called fluid, co-operative and distributed editions. These editions will not be made or maintained by one person or by one group, but by a community of scholars and readers working together: they will be the work of many and the property of all. This approach will strain currently deployed data and organizational models, and will demand rethinking of some of the fundamental practices of the academy. However, the potential benefits to all involved, as readers, editors, commentators and critics engage together in the making and use of these, are considerable. Fonte:
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