O{\textbackslash}\\&{\textbackslash}\\#39, Daniel Donnell, Heather Hobma, Sandra Cowan, Gillian Ayers, Jessica Bay, Marinus Swanepoel, Wendy Merkley, Kelaine Devine, Emma Dering, Inge Genee, Aligning Open Access Publication with Research and Teaching Missions of the Public University: The Case of The Lethbridge Journal Incubator (If \\&\\#39;if\\&\\#39;s and \\&\\#39;and\\&\\#39;s were pots and pans)
Aligning Open Access Publication with the Research and Teaching Missions of the Public University: The Case of the Lethbridge Journal Incubator (If 'if's and 'and's were pots and pans)
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