D. McKenzie, Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts. The Panizzi Lectures 1985
driscoll2010words, p. 92, parlando dei precursori della New Philology, dice: "Another is to be found in developments within Anglo-American bibliography in the s and early s. These devel- opments culminated, for some, in D.F. McKenzie’s Panizzi lectures, published the following year as Bibliography and the Sociology of Texts, which argued that since any history of the book must take into account ‘the social, economic and political motivations of publishing, the reasons why texts were written and read as they were, why they were rewritten and redesigned, or allowed to die’, it is ‘more useful’ to describe bibliography as ‘the study of the sociology of texts’; ‘sociology’ because it deals with ‘the human motives and interactions which texts involve at every stage of their production, transmission and consumption’ (McKenzie 1986: 5-7)".
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