
Lisa Goddard, Dean Seeman, Negotiating sustainability. Building digital humanities projects that last

Major funding agencies are putting increased pressure on researchers to include sustainability plans in funding applications, although none offer specific guidelines on the number of years for which projects should be sustained. The ideal situation is to negotiate with collaborators to release all project content under a Creative Commons license, and to clearly display this license in the project interface. The digital library platform is typically where preservation workflows begin in academic libraries. Fedora-based digital asset management systems like Islandora and Samvera provide a single place to store objects along with descriptive and administrative metadata that helps to determine the preservation actions that should be taken against each object. Storing multiple copies of a file is insufficient if those copies are not regularly checked for bit rot and other types of degradation, so file integrity tools are another necessary aspect of long-term preservation storage. (Fonte: sito della casa editrice https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.4324/9780429353048-4/negotiating-sustainability-lisa-goddard-dean-seeman)

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