Serena Falletta, Dalla carta al bit. Note metodologiche sull’edizione digitale di un cartulario medievale
The aim of the paper is the pres entation of the model and experimental hypertext publishing, research and communication focused on a historical corpus of documentary texts encoded by the XML syntax and a labeling scheme tailored to the specific characteristics of the documentation and the needs and classical categories of analysis critique of historical research. For the purposes of research and project work, was chosen as the subject of investigation and application a bishop's cartulary, the Liber privilegiorum Sanctae Montis Regalis ecclesiae, in the unpublished tradition of the fifteenth century, reported from the code Vat.Lat. 3880 currently preserved at the Vatican Library. The experiment was designed as a laboratory through which to understand the deep epistemological implications that will its implementation: beyond the traditional historical discourse, it’s able to represent simultaneous and interrelated processes, offering a communication vehicle capable of incorporating different sources in the hypertext and reconfiguring technical equipment and academic practice. We speak, of course, about an “acceptable trial”, with which to prove - enhancing the telematics and its language’s specificity - the ability to trace a code that including in a wide web hypertext, the documents produced by a specific institutional subject and their history, trying to avoid the distortion of the discipline’s identity, through the use of tools and usual classifications, to meet the demand of rigorous interpretation. It is therefore a digital history experiment, that contains and make visible the documentation’s links, reflecting the dynamism, but whose main characteristics remain flexible, plurality of paths for consultation and differentiation of possible approaches. (Fonte:
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