, Anglo-American Scholarly Editing, 1980-2005
This is the first volume to bring together a selection of the most important works – much of which is now out of print or not easy to access – covering the revolution in Anglo-American editorial theory and practice during 1980-2005. This 25-year period marked the shift from the eclectic editing of works according to the author’s final intentions to a recording or archiving of a work’s multiple documentary witnesses. The shift remains a contentious one. Chief among current and renewed arguments are those over the intentions of the agents of textual change, choice of copy-text, principles of emendation, versional editing, and fundamental redefinitions of what is meant by the terms text, document, and work. The authors of the twenty-one essays selected here by Paul Eggert and Peter Shillingsburg include Hershel Parker, Jerome J. McGann, Donald F. McKenzie, G. Thomas Tanselle, David C. Greetham, George Bornstein and Kathryn Sutherland. (Source: http://lists.digitalhumanities.org/pipermail/humanist/2010-September/001544.html)
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