James Cummings, Converting Saint Paul: A new TEI P5 edition of The Conversion of Saint Paul using stand-off methodology
This article reports on the details behind a poster presented a the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Members' Meeting at the University of Maryland, College Park, in November 2007. It looks at the creation of of af scholarly electronic edition of a late-medieval play, The Conversion of Saint Paul from Bodleian MS Digby 133 using TEI P5 XML. In addition to exploring various new features available in the TEI P5 Guidelines, it also examines the methodology used to create the text, up-scaling from purely presentation markup to descriptive markup, and how this might simplify the creation of such editions. In an attempt to create an interoperable, flexible, and agile edition, it stores anything not directly related to the transcription of the text in separate files in a stand-off manner. In an attempt to experiment with creating a resource which leverages the advantages of networked editions, it documents the attempt to interoperate with the Middle English Dictionary. Although this first appears to be a failure, it highlights some of the inherent problems in attempting to build editions that are dependent on the resources of others. The article concludes with an urge to text encoders to make more of an effort to share examples of, both good and bad, community practice. Source: https://academic.oup.com/dsh/article-abstract/24/3/307/969188
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