
, Doing More Digital Humanities. Open Approaches to Creation, Growth, and Development

TABLE OF CONTENTS (fonte di questa TOC: il sito dell'editore https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9780429353048/digital-humanities-constance-crompton-richard-lane-ray-siemens?refId=366a0946-cbbe-44b2-b0a1-362c20467591\&context=ubx) Introduction Edited ByConstance Crompton, Richard J. Lane, Ray Siemens -- part I|89 pages Sustaining and growing chapter 1|18 pages Legacy technologies and digital futures By: Laura Estill chapter 2|13 pages Getting started Strategies for DH professional development By: Paige Morgan chapter 3|20 pages Negotiating sustainability Building digital humanities projects that last By: Lisa Goddard, Dean Seeman chapter 4|12 pages DH and humanities workflows Two case studies 1 By: Scott Paul McGinnis chapter 5|14 pages Text processing techniques And traditions (or: why the history of computing matters to DH) By: John W. Maxwell chapter 6|10 pages Origins, images, and stereotypes Digital humanities and its organisational context By: Claire Warwick -- part II|142 pages Making chapter 7|13 pages What is Linux and what’s it doing in the digital humanities? By: Jon Martin chapter 8|15 pages Beyond “whiz-bang” 3D printing and critical making in the humanities By: Aaron Tucker chapter 9|16 pages 3D visualization for the humanities By: Alexei Razoumov, Lindsey Seatter chapter 10|15 pages Where data meets design Visualization in the digital humanities By: Amiée Knight chapter 11|15 pages Doing digital humanities with digital storytelling By: John F. Barber chapter 12|13 pages “Bodying” digital humanities Considering our bodies in practice By: Jessica Rajko chapter 13|15 pages Ontologies for digital humanists By: Jana Millar Usiskin, Christine Walde, Caroline Winter chapter 14|38 pages Big data analytics for multiscale reading By: Belaid Moa, Stephen Ross -- part III|78 pages Learning chapter 15|12 pages Starting with students Open course design By: Chris Friend, Robin DeRosa, Jesse Stommel chapter 16|13 pages The undergraduate summer intensive Principles of pedagogy and design By: Emily Christina Murphy, Brian Greenspan, Shannon Smith chapter 17|14 pages Building DH training events By: James Cummings chapter 18|12 pages New fundaments for a multi-modal space-time Teaching 3D—what it is and why it matters By: John Bonnett chapter 19|11 pages Opportunities for social knowledge creation in the digital humanities By: Alyssa Arbuckle chapter 20|14 pages \#DHSIYearModels Models for DH at liberal arts colleges and four-year institutions By: Janet Simons, Angel David Nieves

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