
Nicola Barbuti, Giuliano DeFelice, Annalisa DiZanni, Paolo Russo, Altheo Valentini, Creating Digital Culture by co-creation of Digital Cultural Heritage: the Crowddreaming living lab method

Since 2015, the Digital Cultural Heritage, Arts \&amp; Humanities School (DiCultHer) – an interdisciplinary network of over 70 Italian organizations including universities, research entities, cultural institutions and associations – has tested models to build soft skills required to co-create, manage, preserve and safeguard digital cultural heritage. This paper outlines the current state of advancement in the development of an innovative living lab methodology named \<em\>The Art of Crowddreaming\</em\>. Such methodology has been implemented within the network activities, and it has been proven to be able to engage innovators, researchers, schools of any grade and other societal actors as a community in the challenge to invent, co-design and build prototypes of cross-generational digital monuments. The methodology is illustrated by means of two case studies. \<em\>Quintana 4D\</em\> engaged schools of any grade in the City of Foligno in an trans-disciplinary effort to design, expand and manage the Museater of the Joust of Quintana. \<em\>Heritellers\</em\> engaged students of “F. De Sanctis” high school for classical studies in the City of Trani in the making of \"CastleTrApp\", a digital storytelling app and a Museater performance about the famous Swabian Castle of their City.

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