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Paolo Monella Post-doc scholarship in Digital Humanities Accademia dei Lincei, Rome 2012

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Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare

This website provides an outline of my work related to the post-doc bourse in Digital Humanities at the Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare "B. Segre" of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome 2012 (tutor: Prof. Tito Orlandi).

The general aim of this site is to produce an experiment of 'open' research, as I make the whole research process and its partial results transparent to the community while I invite collaboration from others.

  1. My Digital Scholarly Edition of Vespa's Iudicium coci et pistoris (Anth. Lat. 199 Riese), a Latin text in verse of Late Antiquity with a multi-testimonial textual tradition
    • Edition by-products: this is where I am publishing some by-products of my work in progress on this edition. Eventually, this is where I'll publish the actual edition.
    • In the Tower of Babel: modelling primary sources of multi-testimonial textual traditions: a talk delivered at the WiP Digital Classicist seminars 2012 (20 July 2012) with some related methodological and theoretical reflections
    • Many witnesses, many layers: the digital scholarly edition of the Iudicium coci et pistoris iudice Vulcano by Vespa (Anth. Lat. 199 Riese): a talk delivered at the first annual meeting of the AIUCD (Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale). It exposes the state of my work on the edition as of 14 December 2012 (ENG and ITA)
    • Interedition Bootcamp #13. I attended this bootcamp and got interesting ideas for my edition from it. I also wrote the minutes that you can read in the Interedition Wiki (ENG).
  2. On Digital Scholarly Editions
  3. Digital Humanities as a discipline
    • Where are the Digital Humanities today? , a talk delivered at the round table L'Informatica Umanistica e i suoi problemi: l'edizione critica digitale dei testi (Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, 20 June 2012; Speakers: Tito Orlandi, Raul Mordenti, Paolo Monella)
    • Are tools all we need? Digital Humanities in the time of its institutionalisation, an article (conceived as an expansion of the previous talk) published in «Testo e senso» 13 (2012).
    • Cologne Dialogue in Digital Humanities 2012:
    • A list of online resources on the topic
    • The tweets I tweeted at the first annual meeting of the AIUCD (Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale (all in English). Also check out this storify I made, including all tweets everyone tweeted with the #AIUCD hashtag
  4. Notes of the working meetings with Prof. Orlandi and others at the Accademia
  5. Bibliography: my own Digital Humanities bibliographical archive.
  6. Contacts: all feedback is welcome.