Paolo Monella, Writing for managing research activities. Methods and tools
An online lesson to students of the MA program in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK) of the University of Bologna on how to write a thesis or other research outputs. Outline: 1. Organizing your work; 2. Structure (Parts of a thesis; Argumentative structure; Abstract); 3. Writing (Strategies; Workflows, including Word processors, LaTeX, MarkDown, Online collaborative editing environments; Word processor advanced functions); 4. Bibliography (Finding bibliography; Getting bibliography; Bibliographic archives, including Zotero, Zotero integration with other workflows, The BibTeX format, JabRef, BibTeX / LaTeX integration, BibTeX integration with other workflows; Managing your bibliography); 5. Citations (Why do we cite?; When do we cite?; Citation styles).
Paolo Monella Curriculum
DH bibliography
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