Paolo Monella, Verso un'edizione critica digitale del Chronicon di Romualdo Salernitano
The "Chronicon" by Romualdus from Salerno is a universal chronical of the XII century in Latin that constitutes an important source for the early stages of the Norman conquest of Southern Italy. I am working on a new digital critical edition of this texts based on the main manuscripts (A, B, C, Aa/D in Schwarz's siglum). It will be based on full transcriptions of the texts of those witnesses, encoded in TEI/XML, and on their semi-automatic collation with CollateX and ad hoc Python software. This digital methodology will provide richer evidence of the textual variance in the manuscripts, especially since the apparatus criticus of Garufi's 1914 edition seems to omit a number of readings. The numerous textual additions differentiating the "long" and the "short" version of the work and the possible transpositions of those passages pose a specific technological challenge because they make computational collation particularly complex. Another challenging task is the distinction between orthografic and substantial variants, since they can serve different research interests of different readers
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