
Paolo Monella, Livelli di trascrizione del testo nell'edizione scientifica digitale

The talk discusses a model of scholarly digital edition going beyond the dichotomy between diplomatic and interpretative edition. It constitutes a proof of concept of methodological innovations introduced by Tito Orlandi. I experimentally implemented this edition model in my edition of the De nomine by Ursus Beneventanus (https://www.paolomonella.it/ursus). It is especially fit for textual traditions based on handwritten sources. The text of the witnesses is encoded in layers, defined on the basis of semiotic considerations. The Ursus edition includes three layers: (1) A graphematic layer, whose minimal units are graphemes, including paragraphematic signs (such as punctuation) and systematic one-glyph abbreviations (such as ꝑ for per). All graphemes identified by the editor are listed in a Graphematic Table of Signs (GToS), a functional part of the edition. (2) An alphabetic layer, whose minimal units are alphabetic letters. The GToS provides the standard alphabetic meaning of graphemes. The editor encodes the alphabetic transcription explicitly (within ) only when the software cannot generate it based on the graphematic transcription through the grapheme/alphabetic letter mapping in the GToS. (3) A linguistic layer, whose minimal units are inflected words (), identified through a lemma/morphology combination: the lemma (e.g. lupus, -i) is encoded with the attribute @lemma; morphological information (e.g. genitive singular), with the attribute @ana. This layer is for interpretative visualization, textual analysis, interoperability and collation.

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