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Paolo Monella Out of the Tower of Babel Interoperability and pre-modern writing systems

Paolo Monella Fuori dalla Torre di Babele Interoperabilità e sistemi grafici pre-moderni

Italiano English

1. Details

1. Dettagli

Seminar: Paolo Monella, Out of the Tower of Babel: interoperability and pre-modern writing systems (original Italian title: Fuori dalla Torre di Babele: interoperabilità e sistemi grafici pre-moderni), delivered in English on December 4, 2019 at the Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), Ca' Foscari University, Italy, within the VeDPH seminar series Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities 2019/20 (news on Ca' Foscari's website).

Both the talk video and audio recording and the slides are in English.

Seminario: Paolo Monella, Fuori dalla Torre di Babele: interoperabilità e sistemi grafici pre-moderni, 4 dicembre 2019 presso il Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH), Università Ca' Foscari University di Venezia, all'interno del ciclo di seminari Seminars in Digital and Public Humanities 2019/20.

Sia il seminario (vedi registrazione audio e video) sia le slide sono in inlgese.

2. Audio and video recording

3. Abstract

For digital philology based on pre-modern handwritten witnesses, interoperability and reuse of textual data and software is an open issue. This talk illustrates the ongoing work to use structural linguistics and semiotics as theoretical basis for the creation of an ontology to formalize concepts such as glyph, allograph, grapheme (alphabetic grapheme, brevigraph, abbreviation mark, punctuation), capitalization, abbreviation, word, lemma. Since TEI aims to be theory-agnostic, it does not provide a shared model for those entities. As a consequence, each project produces transcriptional data following its own editorial conventions and, therefore, based on its own data model. The talk argues that shared reflection on modelling fosters interoperability.

4. Slides

4. Slide

4. Suggested readings

4. Suggerimenti bibliografici